GUI configuration

This section describes the various FlowerDocs GUI configurations to be defined in the application’s file.


Property Description
system.admin.username System admin username
system.admin.password System account password, can be encrypted with a secret
token.key Token shared between FlowerDocs Core and FlowerDocs GUI
secret Secret used to encode password (optional)
gui.context Application context
gui.password.change.enabled Enables password modification on login page
scope.edit Selects the target scope on the login page
gui.session.timeout User session validity time in seconds


Property Description Log file path and name
logging.level.root Log level: WARN, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG


Property Description
kibana.url URL to access OpenSearch Dashboards from FlowerDocs GUI


Property Description
redis.nodes Addresses of the various Redis separated by a ,


Property Description
arender.rendition.nodes Addresses of the various ARender renditions separated by a ,

It is not recommended to modify Arender properties by setting parameters in the file. Properties that are not defined in the documentation are not qualified by FlowerDocs: the correct operation of the application is therefore not guaranteed with these modifications.