Subscribing to an operation

Determine which operations to respond to


An operation subscription is a OperationHandlerRegistration class technical document. The tags referenced by this class are used to configure the subscription:

Tag Type Description
OperationHandler string OperationHandler Java class or OperationHook URL
ExecutionPhase choicelist Operation execution phase
Action choicelist Operation action
ObjectType choicelist Object type to respond to
Enabled boolean Determines whether the subscription is active or inactive
Asynchronous boolean Determines whether the OperationHandler should be executed asynchronously or not
RegistrationOrder integer Scheduling different subscriptions to the same operation
StopOnException boolean Determines whether operation execution should be stopped in the event of an exception (only if synchronous)
Authorization string basic authorization string to be supplied to the hook (generated online using blitter)


Filter evaluation

For each operation subscription, execution filters can be defined through a

SearchRequest object. These filters can be used to restrict the contexts in which an operation handler is executed. In this way, a subscription can be limited to components that meet the configured criteria.

To restrict the triggering of a billing process to invoices, the administrator sets the class filter equal to Bill.

Filters are evaluated according to the context in which an operation is performed. The data that can be used to filter operations differs according to the type of operation.

An operation performed on a component exposes the component concerned through its context. In this way, its data (tags, owner, class, etc.) can be used to evaluate the defined filters. Whereas when a search is run, filters are evaluated on its criteria.


Filters are stored through a

SearchRequest object. When saved, this object is serialized (XML) and saved as the document file used to define the subscription. The naming of the file containing the filters is imposed. Its name should be request.

Special features

Some operations allow the use of specific criteria.


The Id criterion corresponds to the identifier of the user to whom the task has been assigned. Whereas the criterion assigned to corresponds to the user to whom the task was assigned before the operation.

Task response

The Id criterion corresponds to the identifier of the user to whom the task has been assigned.

Folder contents

When performing an operation on the contents of a folder (addition or deletion), the Id criterion corresponds to the class identifier of the component added to or deleted from the folder.

During a search, subscription filters can be used to react to the execution of specific searches. The filters are then compared with the search criteria.

Filter operators are interpreted as follows:

  • EQUALS_TO presence of the criterion in the request with the indicated value.
  • CONTAINS: presence of the criterion in the request with a value containing the string indicated in the filter.
  • STARTS_WITH: presence of the criterion in the request with a value starting with the character string indicated in the filter.
  • ENDS_WITH: presence of the criterion in the request with a value ending in the string indicated in the filter.
  • DIFFERENT no criterion or present with a value different from that indicated in the filter.

For Date criteria, specific operators are used and resolved, such as : - GREATER_THAN presence of the criterion in the request with a value greater than that indicated in the filter. - LESS_THAN presence of the criterion in the request with a value lower than that indicated in the filter. - BETWEEN: The criterion must be present in the SearchRequest with a value between the two specified.

- The EQUALS_TO and DIFFERENT operators are case-sensitive.
- For criteria representing user identifiers, the ${} value can be defined. This value indicates the current user ID for the session.