Release notes

Published on 08/04/2024 , Updated on 27/06/2024

The latest patch version is 2.8.2
This version requires the following software versions as prerequisites :

  • ARender : 4.8.17
  • Redis : 6.2.12
  • OpenSearch : 1.3.4

Significant changes in 2.8

Security vulnerabilities

With the aim of improving security within FlowerDocs, several fixes have been made :

Service Directory password encryption via the CLM

Minor security vulnerabilities fixed on the CLM and administration GUI

Search enhancements

Several changes have been made to the search function to make it easier and more fluid to use :

The “Search” and “Add criteria” buttons are always visible on the screen, regardless of the number of search criteria.

Manually added criteria remain displayed until the form is reset. They are saved when a search is saved, so that users can customize their searches even further.

New functionality for resetting added and entered search criteria to return to the default search form.

When criteria are displayed in columns :

Le nombre de résultats par page et le bouton pour ajouter des colonnes sont toujours visibles au-dessus des tableaux quel que soit le nombre de résultats affichés.

The number of results per page and the button for adding columns are always visible above the tables, regardless of the number of results displayed.


When there is an SSO and a directory service, FlowerDocs uses the identifier retrieved from the directory service for all actions performed in FlowerDocs.


CLM, it is now possible to partially update a scope with the following commands : update-config, update-model, update-report, update-content, update-scope


Full-text search - Exposure of a WS for adding, deleting and updating the textual content of a file retrieved by a third-party application in FlowerDocs.

Facilitating integration

The variable ${user.authorities} takes into account all user information: directory groups and FlowerDocs profiles, whatever the context of use.

From the administration GUI, it is possible to configure an external OperationHook that calls a technical component external to FlowerDocs to extract the textual content of documents by filtering on the desired mime types for indexing.


Filters are taken into account when executing operation handler scripts.

Operation handler scripts can be run on administration components.


It is possible to add technical parameters when applying a response to a task. This makes it possible to convey the information required for technical processing without overloading the FlowerDocs data model.

Default scope

Added a deliverable containing the basic FlowerDocs scope needed to run the application.

Add the acl-annotation ACL to the “Annotation” document class to make it easier to understand how annotations security works.

Bug fixes


FlowerDocs manages the fact of not displaying suggestions on a read-only tag.

Counters are always displayed regardless of the size of the label for the various levels (aggregations).

Results table

Display conditional tag labels regardless of the condition performed.

Display of the special character “ ‘ “ in table columns.

Folders (Virtual Folders)

Display of the special character “ ‘ “ in the classification plan (aggregations).


Creation of a task after verification of its existence, tooltips are displayed for all tags present in the pop-up.


Special characters are correctly displayed.

Companion Plugin, interface with the Office suite

E-mail transfer from Outlook to FlowerDocs is back on track.

The Companion plugin works with HTTPS and SSL security.


Improved contrast in the “History” pop-up.

Reading List tags when they are read-only.

Text tags displayed in black when in write mode.


Conditional tag: it is now possible to condition the display of values according to a component’s class identifier.

Deleting a report from the GUI is now functional.

When deleting a user from a group, confirmation is requested to avoid mistakes.

Operation handler - The section is always displayed from the administration GUI.

Scope teams are now displayed correctly from the “Identities/Teams” menu in administration.


Adding a document - The addFiles service returns the identifier of the file created, regardless of the versioning mode defined for the document class.

Known issues

  • Full-text search - After restoring a document version, the content of the restored version is not re-indexed and therefore not searchable.
  • The “Reset” action must not be present on the document search pop-up.
  • The focus remains on the “Reset” action after clicking on it.

Patch versions

2.8.1 03/06/2024

🔐 Security

ARender version upgrade to 4.8.17 to benefit from the fix to resolve a vulnerability.

This patch strengthens the application’s security and protects our users from potential threats.

For more details, please contact us via our ticketing tool !


ARender version upgrade from 4.8.13 to 4.8.17 to benefit from all the improvements made in the viewer.

For more information, see the ARender release noteshere.


To ensure that the product meets general accessibility requirements for all types of disability, a link to the FlowerDocs accessibility declaration has been added to the avatar menu.

Bug fixes

🔎 Search : “Reset” action removed from pop-ups

To avoid visual overload on document search pop-ups, the action to reset the search form has been removed.

🔎 Full-text search : indexing content after restoration

It is now possible to search the contents of a document after restoring a version.

In previous versions of the product, following a restore, the associated content was not indexed and therefore not searchable.

RGAA - Improved keyboard navigation on verification pop-ups before creating a task.

Here’s how it works to comply with RGAA rules : Existing tasks are checked when the focus is on the “Check” button in the pop-up window.

The pop-up is closed if the user uses the “Esc” key or if the focus is on the “Close” button.

If the focus is in a pop-up field, then when the enter key is pressed, the action is performed in the field (input validation, list scrolling, etc.).

Viewing a document directly in ARender

When a document is viewed in the viewer in external mode, i.e. without the FlowerDocs forms being displayed, the user rights set up in FlowerDocs are once again taken into account.

Ex: a user who has the right to download or print the document can do so again.

2.8.2 27/06/2024

Updating a document without adding content no longer deletes the old content.


FlowerDocs GUI
Interface graphique

FlowerDocs Core
Coeur de l'application exposant des web services

FlowerDocs default template
Template par défaut de FlowerDocs

ARender Rendition Server
Moteur de rendition de la visionneuse