Graphical user interface customization


The aim of this module is to provide the keys to using the predefined FlowerDocs CSS variables. These variables make it easier to customise FlowerDocs colours.

To improve the accessibility of FlowerDocs and meet RGAA requirements, the colours of the FlowerDocs interface have changed. On the following page, you will learn how to use FlowerDocs variables to revert to the theme prior to these changes.

FlowerDocs versions concerned

From 2.6.0.

Use of variables

CSS variables are defined as follows:

--<nom-de-la-variable>: <couleur>;

You will need to add this line to the body selector in your CSS file.

In a similar way, you can redefine a predefined variable, as in the following example.

Modifying a predefined variable will change the color of all elements using that variable.

--btn-primary: #3f3cd6;

btn-primary is the predefined variable for the color of FlowerDocs’ main buttons.

Once a variable has been defined, it can be used with the var() function as follows:

color: var(--<nom-de-la-variable>)

A full example

  /*Setting a new variable*/
  --new-variable: #cc3672;
  /*Overriding a predefined variable*/
  --navbar: #6558dd;
  /*Redefining a variable using another predefined variable*/ 
  --text-sidebar-menu: var(--primary-400);

/*Using the previously defined variable*/
button.btn-primary {
    color: #fff;
    background-color: var(--new-variable);
    border-color: var(--new-variable);