
This section describes the prerequisites for the FlowerDocs GUI, FlowerDocs Core and ARender HMI applications.


Be careful to harmonise the date/time configuration on the various servers making up the target architecture by using the same timezone (FlowerDocs servers but also all third-party components). Date gap can cause problems when FlowerDocs checks the validity of a token (SSO, Web Services, etc.).

FlowerDocs must only be used in HTTPS.

Operating system


Installing a FlowerDocs platform requires Linux servers. FlowerDocs is supported and qualified on the Amazon Linux 2 4.14 system.

*Any other Linux system is deemed to be functional if it can install the required version of Java.

Application components

Java Runtime 11 must be installed to run FlowerDocs.

This documentation does not cover the installation of the ARender rendition server (version 2023.4.0). It must therefore be installed beforehand and be accessible via HTTP or HTTPS protocol from FlowerDocs GUI, FlowerDocs Core and ARender HMI (version 2023.4.0).

OpenSearch and Redis

You need to install OpenSearch and Redis, which are prerequisites for FlowerDocs to work properly. OpenSearch and Redis versions corresponding to FlowerDocs versions are indicated at the beginning of the release notes.


The architecture depends on the estimated load, but it is recommended to have at least :

Component vCPU RAM Note
FlowerDocs 2 4 Go The FlowerDocs GUI, FlowerDocs Core and ARender HMI applications must be installed on separate servers.
ARender Rendition Server 4 8 Go Rendition server sizing is strongly linked to the typology and number of documents viewed.

The sizing of a FlowerDocs platform needs to be carefully considered in order to achieve the best possible performance. The most important factors are the number of concurrent users and the number of documents viewed.

We recommend isolating each component on separate machines:

  • FlowerDocs Core
  • FlowerDocs GUI
  • ARender HMI
  • ARender Rendition
  • Redis
  • OpenSearch


It is necessary to use UTF-8 encoding on component installation servers, to ensure proper handling of accented letters and other characters in the application.


The FlowerDocs platform requires the installation of the following executable JARs:

  • flower-docs-gui-webapp-2025.0.jar
  • flower-docs-core-webapp-2025.0.jar
  • arondor-arender-hmi-spring-boot-2023.4.0.jar

These applications can be configured by property files located in the same directory as the application.

Applications can be configured via the following files:

Application Configuration file name
FlowerDocs Core
FlowerDocs GUI
ARender HMI

The FlowerDocs ARender connector flower-docs-arender-hmi-2025.0.jar is also required for the ARender HMI application to be able to retrieve documents stored in FlowerDocs.

The necessary configuration is described on the dedicated page here.

In a high-availability architecture, session affinity balancing must be implemented for FlowerDocs GUI applications.

Verification of downloaded application integrity

After downloading the application, check the integrity of the executable before installing it. It is important to check that it has not been altered (corrupted or fraudulently modified .jar file).

To do this, you need to calculate the file’s hash using the SHA-256 hash function, so that you can verify it.

  • Use the command: sha256sum {fileName}.
  • Then retrieve the result of the command, which corresponds to the file’s fingerprint.
  • Check that the fingerprint of each downloaded file is equal to the content of the corresponding .sha256 file.


Notes de version
Version : 2025.0

FlowerDocs GUI
Graphical interface (Version : 2025.0)

FlowerDocs Core
Core application with web services (Version : 2025.0)

FlowerDocs CLM
FlowerDocs import/export tools (Version : 2025.0)

FlowerDocs default template
FlowerDocs default template (Version : 2025.0)

Would you like to download another version? Go to old releases.