Installation process

This section describes how to install the FlowerDocs GUI, FlowerDocs Core and ARender HMI applications.

In the rest of this page, ${APP_HOME} corresponds to the folder in which each application will be deployed.

FlowerDocs GUI

  • After completing the downloads mentioned in the prerequisites, place the flower-docs-gui-webapp-2025.0.jar application in the ${APP_HOME} folder.
  • Add the configuration file to ${APP_HOME}.

ARender HMI

  • After completing the downloads mentioned in the prerequisites, place the arondor-arender-hmi-spring-boot-2023.4.0.jar application in the ${APP_HOME} folder.
  • Create the folders ${APP_HOME}/configurations and ${APP_HOME}/lib.
  • Add the configuration file to ${APP_HOME}/configurations.
  • Add ARender FlowerDocs connector flower-docs-arender-hmi-2025.0.jar to ${APP_HOME}/lib.

FlowerDocs Core

  • After completing the downloads mentioned in the prerequisites, place the flower-docs-core-webapp-2025.0.jar application in the ${APP_HOME} folder.
  • Add the configuration file to ${APP_HOME}.