
Docker installation

This page describes how to launch a Docker environment, including the prerequisites.

For configuration of OpenSearch, Redis and OpenLDAP applications, please refer to the product documentation for production use.


  • If you are external to Arondor/Uxopian, please contact FlowerDocs support to obtain the Docker images.
  • Get the package.
  • Unzip the package

In the docker folder, a .env file is present. It may be hidden, depending on your system. This file defines the variables used in Docker Compose files.

ARender Rendition installation

  • Open the docker folder
  • Copy the .env, arender-stack.yml files to the folder of your choice
  • Run the following command in this folder: docker-compose -f arender-stack.yml up

FlowerDocs installation

  • Open the docker folder
  • Copy the .env, flowerdocs-stack.yml, custom-opensearch.yml,, files and arender-hmi folder into the folder of your choice.
  • Within the flowerdocs-stack.yml file, change the LDAP administrator password LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD.
  • Run the following command in this folder: docker-compose -f flowerdocs-stack.yml --profile="*" up

For use in a non-development environment, token.key and system.admin.password must be changed. More details are available here.

Déploiement de scope

The rest of this documentation allows you to start up a FlowerDocs application with a scope that includes the minimal technical model.


FlowerDocs Core must be started.

  • Open the `flower-templates-2025.0-package folder.
  • Run the following command, adapting the value of the ldapPassword variable:

docker run --volume=${PWD}\default-scope:/clm/default-scope --network=flowerdocs-net delete create --template=default-scope --scope=DEFAULT --password=yourPassword --ws.url=http://flower-docs-core:8081/core/services --data.dir=/clm/ --ldap.type=OPENLDAP --ldap.baseDN="dc=flowerdocs,dc=com" --ldap.user="cn=admin,dc=flowerdocs,dc=com" --ldap.url=ldap://openldap-flowerdocs:389 --ldap.password=changeme --ldap.attributes.displayName=displayName --ldap.attributes.members=uniqueMember


  • Access the FlowerDocs GUI url: http://localhost:8080/gui/?scope=DEFAULT
  • Login as system administrator
    • Username= system
    • Password = yourPassword or the one you entered in the configuration files.
  • To add new users, go to : http://localhost:8080/gui/?admin=true#/admin:/iam/users