
Scope import

The import of a scope is based on a template that serves as a model for the creation of a new scope. This notion of template allows you to initialize different scopes based on the same template.

The location of templates can be defined by supplying the --data.dir=<chemin vers les templates> parameter.

A template is a set of XML files in a directory whose name is the template identifier. Its structure is based on the following files:

  • acls
  • classes
    • tag
    • document
    • folder
    • task
    • virtualFolder
  • documents
  • conf
  • folders
  • tasks
  • tagCategories
  • reports
  • virtualFolders
  • workflows
  • facts
  • kibana
    • dashboards
    • searches
    • visualizations
  • scope.xml

Note: The conf folder is used to isolate technical documents (such as LDAP configuration, CSS, etc.)

Créer son premier scope avec le template par défaut

The default FlowerDocs template can be downloaded from the downloads page. It can then be used as a basis for creating a customized scope.

To create a scope from one or more templates, use the CLM, covered in the following pages.

The default template contains a configuration file for the company form : LDAP.xml

This contains configuration variables that can be set directly at scope creation via the CLM. To do this, simply add the following parameters to the command line sent to the CLM :

  • --ldap.type=OPENLDAP
  • --ldap.baseDN=“dc=flowerdocs,dc=com”
  • --ldap.user=“cn=admin,dc=flowerdocs,dc=com”
  • --ldap.url=ldap://openldap-flowerdocs:389
  • --ldap.password=yourLDAPPassword
  • --ldap.attributes.id=CN
  • --ldap.attributes.search=displayName
  • --ldap.attributes.displayName=displayName
  • --ldap.attributes.members=uniqueMember