
FlowerDocs Manager tool lets you deploy a scope from a Git project

Git project prerequisites

  • Access to a Git project with login/password authentication
  • The project contains one or more folders containing scope templates with the structure indicated here

Start FlowerDocs Manager

Defining a GIT project

  • Click on Add a Git project
  • Enter the URL to access the Git project storing the template using the HTTPS protocol
  • Branch: Git branch to clone

Cloning the project

  • Click on Projects
  • Click on Clone on the line of the project to be cloned
  • Enter the user and password for cloning the project
  • Click on Clone
  • If the project has been cloned, the associated templates are visible in the Templates tab

Defining an environment

  • Click on Add a environment
  • Name: Name the environment
  • URL:
    • Enter a URL to access the FlowerDocs Web Services base
    • example:

Deploying a scope

  • Click on Deploy
  • Name of scope to be created
  • Select a template to be used as a model for the scope to be created
  • Select an environment on which to create the new scope
  • Password for FlowerDocs administrator account
  • Check Create box: If the box is checked and the scope exists, it is deleted and then recreated. If unchecked, the scope is updated.