
Searching for components through the JS API

To search for components via the JS API, use the search function for the various service APIs here.

Queries, filters and criteria

Objects :

  • SearchRequest
Function Description
addSelect(field) Adds a field to be remounted
addFilterClause(filterClause) Adds an additional criterion
getFilters() Retrieves an array containing all FilterClause
addOrderClause(orderClause) Adds a field on which to sort search results
setMax(max) Defines the maximum number of results to be returned
getMax(max) Retrieves the maximum number of results to return
setStart(start) Defines the start of the search page
getStart(start) Retrieves the start of the search page
  • AndClause
Function Description
addCriterion(criterion) Add a search criterion
getCriteria() Retrieves an array containing all the criteria of the clause
  • Criterion
Function Description
getName() Retrieves the name of the criterion
setName(name) Defines the name of the criterion
getOperator() Retrieves the criterion operator
setOperator(operator) Defines the criterion operator. Possible values are : EQUALS_TO CONTAINS, LESS_THAN, GREATER_THAN, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, DISPLAY, DIFFERENT, BETWEEN
getType() Retrieves the criterion type
setType(type) Defines the criterion type. Possible values are : STRING, TIMESTAMP, BOOLEAN, INTEGER, CURRENCY
getValues() Retrieves criterion values
addValue(value) Adds a value to the criterion
addValues(values) Adds an array of values to the criterion

The EQUALS_TO and DIFFERENT operators are case-sensitive (differentiate between upper and lower case).


  • OrderClause
Function Description
setName(name) Defines the name of the criterion
setType(type) Defines the type of field: STRING, TIMESTAMP, BOOLEAN, INTEGER, CURRENCY
setAscending(isAscending) Defines whether sorting is ascending or descending

Building a query :

var request = new SearchRequest();

var orderClause = new OrderClause();

var filters = new AndClause();

var criterion = new Criterion(); 

JSAPI.get().document().search(request, function(results)
		// Simple dump of all results
		console.log("results.length=" + results.length);
		for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) 
			var result = results[i];
			console.log("id=" + result.getId() + ", name=" + result.getFieldValue("name"));
		// Jump to first document found
		if ( results.length > 0 )
			var result = results[0];
			var id = result.getId();
			JSAPI.get().getNavigationAPI().goToComponentPlace("DOCUMENT", id);
		console.error("Error on document search: " + error);

It is possible to obtain the values of a search result in two different ways:

  • getFieldValue(fieldName) : Retrieves all existing values for this field as a string. If the field contains several values, they are separated by the § character.

  • getFieldValues(fieldName) : Retrieves all existing values for this field as an array of strings.