
Managing the organisation with buckets search results

“Managing buckets”

The buckets (or aggregated results) of a search can be organised using the JS API.


The first step, before being able to manipulate these buckets, is to subscribe to buckets retrieval from FlowerDocs Core:

  • or by search, providing searchId the identifier of the search in question:

    var bucketAPI = JSAPI.get().getHelperFactory().getBucketAPI();
    bucketAPI.register(searchId, function(buckets, callback){
  • or for all searches:

    var bucketAPI = JSAPI.get().getHelperFactory().getBucketAPI();
    bucketAPI.register(, function(buckets, callback){

The registered subscription is called up with two variables:

  • The buckets array contains all buckets of the same level
  • The callback provided as input to the subscription must be called with a bucket array

Example of sorting buckets

var orderMap = {};
orderMap[STATUS_1] = 0;
orderMap[STATUS_2] = 1;

var bucketAPI = JSAPI.get().getHelperFactory().getBucketAPI();
bucketAPI.register("searchId", function(buckets, callback){
    var ordered = new Array();
	for(i in buckets){
		var bucket = buckets[i];
		var index = getBucketIndex(bucket);
        var bucket = buckets[i];

function getBucketIndex(bucket){
	var request = bucket.getRequest();
    var filter = request.getFilters()[0];
    var statusName = filter.getCriteria()[0].getValues()[0];
	return orderMap[statusName];

Deleting or adding buckets is not supported. The total number of buckets determined must be equal to that determined by FlowerDocs Core.

Bucket modification

The JS API lets you modify buckets resolved by FlowerDocs Core by exhibiting the following methods:

Function Description
getName() Returns the name
setName(name) Modifies the name
getCount() Returns the number of components contained in the bucket (sum of child buckets)
setCount(count) Modifies the number of components contained in the bucket
getLevel() Returns bucket level
hasChildren() Determines whether the bucket contains child buckets
getChildren() Retrieves child buckets
hasParent() Determines whether the bucket has a bucket parent
getParents() Retrieves parent buckets (all parent levels)
getRequest() Retrieves the request executed to determine the bucket’s contents
setRequest(request) Modifies the request executed to determine the bucket’s contents

Children and parents buckets are provided for information only. Modifications to these are not taken into account.

Hiding a bucket

The setSkipDisplay(skip) function is also exhibited on the Bucket object, enabling a bucket to be hidden and only its children displayed.

Example: hiding buckets with the same name

var bucketAPI = JSAPI.get().getHelperFactory().getBucketAPI();
bucketAPI.register(function(buckets, callback){
	var ordered = new Array();
	for(i in buckets){
		var bucket = buckets[i];			
		if(bucket.hasChildren() && bucket.getChildren().length ==1){
			if(bucket.getName().toUpperCase() == bucket.getChildren()[0].getName().toUpperCase()){

Recovery of buckets after resolution

The buckets of a search can be recovered after resolution as follows:

var bucketAPI = JSAPI.get().getHelperFactory().getBucketAPI();
bucketAPI.registerForResolved("searchId", function(buckets){
   for(i in buckets){
       	var bucket = buckets[i];
		console.info(bucket.getName()+ " has been resolved, count=" +bucket.getCount());

This allows you to obtain resolved buckets, including counters in the case of partial buckets.