Use cases

Discover these concepts in a simple case study: the Supplier invoice management


A supplier invoice management solution digitally manages the processing of invoices issued by suppliers.

To complicate our case study, let’s add a little process! Invoices over €2,500 must be submitted to a third party for validation.

Invoices can be consulted by two departments within the company:

  • accounting department: in order to process invoices, a list of invoices to be processed will be presented to users
  • the purchasing department: in order to be able to negotiate future orders, users will be able to consult all invoices issued by a given supplier


Document management

These invoices have a number of features in common:

  • A sender
  • Issue date
  • A part number
  • A label
  • Amount before tax
  • Etc.

In this example, we opt for components of category Document since they will have a content (image, PDF…). We choose a single document class SupplierInvoice referencing tag classes:

Tag classes Type Mandatory
Sender Character string Yes
DateEmission Date Yes
NumeroPiece Character string Yes
AmountHT Decimal Yes

The invoice label will be used to fill in the document name


In order to notify the accounting department of the arrival of an invoice to be processed, we’ll trigger the processing of an invoice processing task when a document of class SupplierInvoice. We therefore define the task class ProcessingInvoice with the following features:

Processing stage tags


So that the accounting department can process the invoice based on the information (and file) in the received invoice, we add an attachment to the task class :

  • category: Document
  • class : SupplierInvoice
  • mandatory : Yes


The invoices we receive are always perfect, so we add just one answer Confirm giving the accounting department only the option of validating the invoice received.



This type of design can be applied to (all) your use cases for electronic document management.