
Isolate your customers/businesses.

Scopes make it possible to isolate data between different customers/businesses while using the same platform.

A scope defines an application silo by isolating its data and configuration. As such, it defines :

  • user teams
  • users who can access it
  • languages used

To connect to a scope, you need to enter its identifier as a URL parameter (for example:
If FlowerDocs is behind a proxy, using the HTTP header scope redirects the user to FlowerDocs GUI with the URL parameter scope and the value provided.

If the parameter is not set, the default scope defined with the scope.default property in the configuration file is used.

It is possible to display the scope selection on the login page by configuring the scope.edit property in the configuration file.

Access authorization to a scope is determined by the read permission on the access control list defined at scope level. More details on this mechanism can be found here.