Component selection

Offer users a library of models


The SelectComponentPlugin makes it easy for users to select a component corresponding to a set of criteria. The criteria defined are used to execute a component search, the results of which are displayed in a selection popup.



Key Type Description
icon String Selection popup icon
title String Selection popup title
description String Description displayed in selection popup header
category String Component category to search (default: DOCUMENT)
criteria Table List of search criteria
fieldToDisplay String Field used to display a component (default: name)
callback Function Function called after the selection validation

new SelectComponentPlugin({
  'title': 'My title',
  'description': 'Select a component',
  'callback': (id, label) => { console.log('selected document: ' + id) }

var criterion = new Criterion();

new SelectComponentPlugin({
  'icon': 'fa fa-folder',
  'title': 'My title',
  'description': 'Select a folder',
  'category': 'FOLDER',
  'criteria': [criterion],
  'callback': (id, label) => { console.log('selected folder: ' + id) }

Model selection

Based on the SelectComponentPlugin plugin, the SelectTemplatePlugin plugin offers users a library of document templates. By defining the type of model to be proposed, users can select the model to be used from the library.

new SelectTemplatePlugin({
  'type': 'MSWord',
  'callback': function(id, label){
    new DownloadWordPlugin({'template': id, 'filename': label}).download();