All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
- AbstractBaseFaultType - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.exception
<p>Java class for AbstractBaseFaultType complex type.
- AbstractBaseFaultType() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Default no-arg constructor abc
- AbstractBaseFaultType(String, String, Date, String, String, String, String, AbstractBaseFaultType.Reasons) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Fully-initialising value constructor
- AbstractBaseFaultType.Reasons - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.exception
<p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- AccessControlEntry - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.acl
An access control entry <p>Java class for AccessControlEntry complex type.
- AccessControlEntry() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlEntry
Default no-arg constructor abc
- AccessControlEntry(List<String>, List<Permission>, GrantType) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlEntry
Fully-initialising value constructor
- AccessControlList - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.acl
A list of access controls defined by entries <p>Java class for AccessControlList complex type.
- AccessControlList() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlList
Default no-arg constructor abc
- AccessControlList(Id, String, List<AccessControlEntry>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlList
Fully-initialising value constructor
- acl - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
The unique identifier of the ACL to apply on object
- ACL - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- ACL_ID - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- ACLConditionalRule - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.acl
An ACL choice which should be applied if all conditions are satisfied <p>Java class for ACLConditionalRule complex type.
- ACLConditionalRule() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLConditionalRule
Default no-arg constructor abc
- ACLConditionalRule(Id, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLConditionalRule
Fully-initialising value constructor
- aclId - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLRule
- ACLProxy - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.acl
An ACL contextual proxy allows to define an ACL according to rulest <p>Java class for ACLProxy complex type.
- ACLProxy() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLProxy
Default no-arg constructor abc
- ACLProxy(Id, String, List<ACLRule>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLProxy
Fully-initialising value constructor
- ACLRule - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.acl
An ACL rule allows to determine if an ACL should be applied <p>Java class for ACLRule complex type.
- ACLRule() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLRule
Default no-arg constructor abc
- ACLRule(Id) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLRule
Fully-initialising value constructor
- action - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
- Action - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.fact
Fact actions <p>Java class for Action.
- active - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Determines if the class is active or not
- actor - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Identifiant technique de la chaine emettrice de l'erreur
- Adapter1 - Class in org.w3._2001.xmlschema
- Adapter1() - Constructor for class org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Adapter1
- Adapter2 - Class in org.w3._2001.xmlschema
- Adapter2() - Constructor for class org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Adapter2
- ADD_CONTENT - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- ADD_CONTENT - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
- ADD_FILTERS_TO_SELECT - com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchContexts
- ADMIN - com.flower.docs.domain.security.Roles
The role for an administrator
- ADMINISTRATION - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- aggregation - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
- Aggregation - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
<p>Java class for Aggregation complex type.
- Aggregation() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Aggregation
Default no-arg constructor abc
- algorithm - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.Digest
The digest algorithm to use
- ALL - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- ALL - com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionStrategy
- ALLOW - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.GrantType
- AllowedValue - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass
An allowed value for a tag <p>Java class for AllowedValue complex type.
- AllowedValue() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValue
Default no-arg constructor abc
- AllowedValue(List<I18NLabel>, List<AllowedValue>, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValue
Fully-initialising value constructor
- allowedValues - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValue
- allowedValues - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
- AllowedValueWithIcon - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass
An allowed value which has an icon <p>Java class for AllowedValueWithIcon complex type.
- AllowedValueWithIcon() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValueWithIcon
Default no-arg constructor abc
- AllowedValueWithIcon(List<I18NLabel>, List<AllowedValue>, String, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValueWithIcon
Fully-initialising value constructor
- AndClause - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
<p>Java class for AndClause complex type.
- AndClause() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.AndClause
Default no-arg constructor abc
- AndClause(List<FilterClause>, List<Criterion>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.AndClause
Fully-initialising value constructor
- answer - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
- Answer - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass
The definition of an answer which can be executed on a task instance <p>Classe Java pour Answer complex type.
- Answer() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Answer
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Answer(Id, List<I18NLabel>, List<I18NLabel>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Answer
- ANSWER - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
- answers - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
List of answers which can be done on an instance of this class
- any - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criteria
- APPLY_ANSWER - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- APPROPRIATE - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- APPROPRIATE_ALREADY_ASSIGNED - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- areValid(List<Id>) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.Ids
- ascending - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrderClause
- ASCENDING - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- asMap(List<T>) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.Ids
- ASSIGN - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- ASSIGN - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
- assignee - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
The principal of user or a team to which the task is assigned
- ASSIGNEE - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- ATTACH - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- Attachment - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.task
The reference to a task attachment <p>Java class for Attachment complex type.
- Attachment() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Attachment
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Attachment(Id, Category, Id, List<I18NLabel>, Tags, String, List<I18NLabel>, Boolean, Boolean, Required, Boolean, int, List<Id>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Attachment
Fully-initialising value constructor
- AttachmentDefinition - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass
Definition of an expected task attachment <p>Java class for AttachmentDefinition complex type.
- AttachmentDefinition() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Default no-arg constructor abc
- AttachmentDefinition(Id, Category, Id, List<I18NLabel>, Tags, String, List<I18NLabel>, Boolean, Boolean, Required, Boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Fully-initialising value constructor
- attachments - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
The child components of a task
- ATTACHMENTS - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- attributes - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Identity
- attributes - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Answer
- AuthenticatedUser - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.security
An identity of a user which is authenticated against a Scope <p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- AuthenticatedUser() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.security.AuthenticatedUser
Default no-arg constructor abc
- AuthenticatedUser(Id, String, String, List<Id>, List<Id>, List<IdentityAttribute>, String, String, String, boolean, Id, Token, List<ComponentReference>, List<Id>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.security.AuthenticatedUser
Fully-initialising value constructor
- AUTO - com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.VersioningMode
- autoAssign - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
Determines if the task is autoassigned when edited
- AUTOMATIC - com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.ReservationType
- BASKET_ID - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- BETWEEN - com.flower.docs.domain.search.Operators
- BOOLEAN - com.flower.docs.domain.search.Types
- BOOLEAN - com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagValueType
- Bucket - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
An aggregation result in which document can be categorized <p>Java class for Bucket complex type.
- Bucket() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Bucket
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Bucket(SearchRequest, long, List<Bucket>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Bucket
Fully-initialising value constructor
- buckets - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
- build(FunctionalErrorCode, Object...) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.ExceptionBuilder
- build(TechnicalErrorCode, Object...) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.ExceptionBuilder
- BUILD_NEW_DOCUMENT - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- CASE - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- caseInstance - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
The id of the case instance to which the task belongs
- category - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Component
Category of the component
- category - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentReference
Category of referenced component
- category - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionSeries
Category of the component
- category - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Category of the component
- category - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.VersionSeries2
Category of the component
- category - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criteria
- category - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Search
- category(Category) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ReferenceBuilder
- category(String) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ReferenceBuilder
- Category - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.component
Category which determines the type of component <p>Java class for Category.
- CATEGORY - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- children - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentContainerClass
Allowed component classes as children
- children - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder
Objected attached to folder
- children - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Bucket
The children buckets.
- children - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
Allowed attachments as task children
- children - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolder.VirtualFolder
List of the unique identifiers of its other virtual folder children
- children - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass.VirtualFolderClass
- Children() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder.Children
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Children(List<Component>, List<ComponentReference>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder.Children
Fully-initialising value constructor
- CHILDREN - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- CHILDREN_CATEGORY - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- CHILDREN_ID - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- CHOICELIST - com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagValueType
- CLASS_ID - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- classId - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentData
Unique identifier of the component class
- classId - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
The component class identifier of the expected attachment
- clauses - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FilterClause
- CLOSE - com.flower.docs.domain.common.Status
State of a processed object
- code - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Code de l'erreur
- CodeBasedException - Exception in com.flower.docs.domain.exception
Abstract exception type based on error code
- CodeBasedException() - Constructor for exception com.flower.docs.domain.exception.CodeBasedException
- CodeBasedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.flower.docs.domain.exception.CodeBasedException
- CodeBasedException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.flower.docs.domain.exception.CodeBasedException
- CodeBasedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.flower.docs.domain.exception.CodeBasedException
- CodeBasedExceptionError - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.exception
- CodeBasedExceptionError() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.CodeBasedExceptionError
- CodeBasedExceptionError(String, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.CodeBasedExceptionError
- com.flower.docs.domain - package com.flower.docs.domain
- com.flower.docs.domain.acl - package com.flower.docs.domain.acl
- com.flower.docs.domain.common - package com.flower.docs.domain.common
- com.flower.docs.domain.component - package com.flower.docs.domain.component
- com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass - package com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass
- com.flower.docs.domain.delegation - package com.flower.docs.domain.delegation
- com.flower.docs.domain.document - package com.flower.docs.domain.document
- com.flower.docs.domain.documentclass - package com.flower.docs.domain.documentclass
- com.flower.docs.domain.exception - package com.flower.docs.domain.exception
- com.flower.docs.domain.fact - package com.flower.docs.domain.fact
- com.flower.docs.domain.file - package com.flower.docs.domain.file
- com.flower.docs.domain.folder - package com.flower.docs.domain.folder
- com.flower.docs.domain.folderclass - package com.flower.docs.domain.folderclass
- com.flower.docs.domain.i18n - package com.flower.docs.domain.i18n
- com.flower.docs.domain.jaxb - package com.flower.docs.domain.jaxb
- com.flower.docs.domain.job - package com.flower.docs.domain.job
- com.flower.docs.domain.notification - package com.flower.docs.domain.notification
- com.flower.docs.domain.report - package com.flower.docs.domain.report
- com.flower.docs.domain.reservation - package com.flower.docs.domain.reservation
- com.flower.docs.domain.scope - package com.flower.docs.domain.scope
- com.flower.docs.domain.search - package com.flower.docs.domain.search
- com.flower.docs.domain.security - package com.flower.docs.domain.security
- com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass - package com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass
- com.flower.docs.domain.task - package com.flower.docs.domain.task
- com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass - package com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass
- com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolder - package com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolder
- com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass - package com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass
- com.flower.docs.domain.workflow - package com.flower.docs.domain.workflow
- component - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
The reference of reserved component
- Component - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.component
Flower component <p>Java class for Component complex type.
- Component() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Component
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Component(Id, ComponentData, Tags, Category, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Component
Fully-initialising value constructor
- ComponentClass - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass
<p>Java class for ComponentClass complex type.
- ComponentClass() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Default no-arg constructor abc
- ComponentClass(Id, Data, List<Id>, List<TagReference>, List<I18NLabel>, List<I18NLabel>, DurationType, Category, boolean, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Fully-initialising value constructor
- ComponentContainerClass - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass
<p>Java class for ComponentContainerClass complex type.
- ComponentContainerClass() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentContainerClass
Default no-arg constructor abc
- ComponentContainerClass(Id, Data, List<Id>, List<TagReference>, List<I18NLabel>, List<I18NLabel>, DurationType, Category, boolean, Boolean, List<ComponentReference>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentContainerClass
Fully-initialising value constructor
- ComponentData - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.component
Component data <p>Java class for ComponentData complex type.
- ComponentData() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentData
Default no-arg constructor abc
- ComponentData(String, Date, Date, Date, Date, ValidityCode, Id, Id, Status, long) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentData
Fully-initialising value constructor
- componentIds - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Attachment
Identifiers of component attachments
- ComponentReference - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.component
Reference for a component based on its unique identifier and its category <p>Java class for ComponentReference complex type.
- ComponentReference() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentReference
Default no-arg constructor abc
- ComponentReference(Id, Category) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentReference
Fully-initialising value constructor
- components - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder.Children
To manage relationships between: component and folder
- CONDITIONAL - com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagValueType
- ConditionalAllowedValue - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass
An allowed value which is conditioned.
- ConditionalAllowedValue() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.ConditionalAllowedValue
Default no-arg constructor abc
- ConditionalAllowedValue(List<I18NLabel>, List<AllowedValue>, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.ConditionalAllowedValue
Fully-initialising value constructor
- conditions - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLConditionalRule
- conditions - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.ConditionalAllowedValue
The conditions which can restrict this allowed value and/or its children
- confirmationMessages - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Answer
- CONTAINS - com.flower.docs.domain.search.Operators
- content - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
- CONTENT - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- context - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
- Context - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass
- Context() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.Context
- Context(Category, Phase) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.Context
- CONTEXT - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- convert(Collection<String>) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.Ids
- count - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Bucket
The number of results in this bucket
- CREATE - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- CREATE - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
- CREATE_ANNOTATION - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- createAbstractBaseFaultTypeReasons() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createAccessControlEntry() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createAccessControlList() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createACLConditionalRule() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createACLProxy() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createAllowedValue() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createAllowedValueWithIcon() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createAndClause() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createAttachment() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createAttachmentDefinition() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createAuthenticatedUser() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createBucket() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createComponentData() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createComponentReference() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createConditionalAllowedValue() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createCriteria() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createCriterion() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createData() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createDelegation() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createDigest() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createDocument() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.document.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createDocumentClass() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.documentclass.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createDocumentFile() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createDurationType() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createFact() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createFieldAggregation() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createFolder() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createFolderChildren() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createFolderClass() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folderclass.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createFunctionalBaseFaultType() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createFunctionalException(FunctionalErrorCode, Object...) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.ExceptionBuilder
- createGroup() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createI18NLabel() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.i18n.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createIconizedBucket() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createId() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createIdentifiableString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createIdentityAttribute() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createItem() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createLoginHistory() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.report.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createNamedAggregation() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createNamedBucket() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createNotification() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.notification.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createOrClause() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createOrderClause() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createPartialBucket() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createPeople() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createProfile() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createProperty() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createReason() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createRecipientPrincipals() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createReservation() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createResultField() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createScope() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createSearch() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createSearchRequest() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createSearchResponse() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createSearchResult() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createSelectClause() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createStoredSearch() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createTag() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createTagCategory() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createTagClass() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createTagReference() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createTags() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createTask() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createTaskClass() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createTechnicalBaseFaultType() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createTechnicalException(TechnicalErrorCode, Object...) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.ExceptionBuilder
- createToken() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createUser() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createVersion() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createVersionSeries() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createVersionSeries2() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createVirtualFolder() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolder.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createVirtualFolderClass() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createWorkflow() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- CREATION_DATE - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- creationDate - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Creation date
- creationDate - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
The date at which the delegation has been created
- creationDate - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
- creationDate - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
- creationDate - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.report.LoginHistory
- creator - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
The user who creates the delegation (it can be different from delegator)
- CREATOR - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- credentialsExpired - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.User
Determines if the credentials of the user are expired or not.
- criteria - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FilterClause
- Criteria - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
<p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- Criteria() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criteria
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Criteria(List<Criterion>, Category, boolean) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criteria
Fully-initialising value constructor
- CRITERIA - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- Criterion - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
<p>Java class for Criterion complex type.
- Criterion() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Criterion(String, Operators, Types, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion
Fully-initialising value constructor
- criterionList - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criteria
- CURRENCY - com.flower.docs.domain.search.Types
- CURRENCY - com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagValueType
- CURRENT_VERSION - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- currentVersion - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Version
Determines if it is the current version
- CUSTOM - com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionStrategy
- data - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Component
Component data
- data - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Component class data
- data - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
- data - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.StoredSearch
- data - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
System data of the tag class
- data - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
Workflow system data
- Data - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.common
Flower object data <p>Java class for Data complex type.
- Data() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Data(String, Date, Date, Date, Date, ValidityCode, Id) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Fully-initialising value constructor
- date - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
The reference of reserved component
- DATE - com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagValueType
- DateAdapter - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.jaxb
adpatation for JAXB marshalling and unmarshalling. - DateAdapter() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.jaxb.DateAdapter
- DAY - com.flower.docs.domain.common.TimeUnit
- defaultValue - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
The default value of each tag instances
- defaultValue - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
The default value of each tag instances
- delegate - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
The identity who received the delegation
- DELEGATE - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- Delegation - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.delegation
A delegation of a user to a user <p>Java class for Delegation complex type.
- Delegation() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Delegation(Id, Id, Id, Date, Date, Id, Date, Id, Date, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Fully-initialising value constructor
- DELEGATION_MANAGER - com.flower.docs.domain.security.Roles
The role that allows to create the delegation from anyone to anyone
- delegator - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
The identity who delegates
- DELEGATOR - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- delegators - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.AuthenticatedUser
- DELETE - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- DELETE - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
- DELETE_CONTENT - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- DELETE_CONTENT - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
- DELETED - com.flower.docs.domain.common.Status
State of a logically deleted object
- DENY - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.GrantType
- description - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Description corresponding to the tag
- description - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
The delegation description allowing to indicates why the delegation has been created
- description - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Description courte
- description - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
- description - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
Describe the reason of the reservation
- description - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Profile
- description - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
- description - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
A generic description of the attachment
- DESCRIPTION - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- descriptions - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Internationalized descriptions of the class
- descriptions - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Internationalized descriptions of the tag usage
- descriptions - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Internationalized descriptions of the reason usage
- descriptions - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
Internationalized descriptions of the workflow
- DETACH - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- detail - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Description longue
- DIFFERENT - com.flower.docs.domain.search.Operators
- digest - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
- Digest - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.file
Document file digest <p>Java class for Digest complex type.
- Digest() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.file.Digest
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Digest(String, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.file.Digest
Fully-initialising value constructor
- DIRECTION_CODE - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- DISPLAY - com.flower.docs.domain.search.Operators
- displayName - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Identity
- displayNames - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Internationalized names of the class
- displayNames - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Internationalized names of the tag
- displayNames - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
- displayNames - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Search
- displayNames - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValue
Internationalized names of the allowed value
- displayNames - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
Internationalized names of the tag
- displayNames - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Answer
- displayNames - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
- displayNames - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
Internationalized names of the workflow
- document() - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ReferenceBuilder
- Document - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.document
Flower component standing for a document <p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- Document() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.document.Document
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Document(Id, ComponentData, Tags, Category, String, Id, String, Boolean, BigInteger, String, Id, List<DocumentFile>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.document.Document
Fully-initialising value constructor
- DOCUMENT - com.flower.docs.domain.component.Category
- DOCUMENT - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- DOCUMENT_CLASS - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- DOCUMENT_CREATOR - com.flower.docs.domain.security.Roles
The role that allows to have insert tab
- DocumentClass - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.documentclass
Document class which defines a type of documents <p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- DocumentClass() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.documentclass.DocumentClass
Default no-arg constructor abc
- DocumentClass(Id, Data, List<Id>, List<TagReference>, List<I18NLabel>, List<I18NLabel>, DurationType, Category, boolean, Boolean, VersioningMode) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.documentclass.DocumentClass
Fully-initialising value constructor
- DocumentFile - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.file
Data of file related to an electronic document <p>Java class for DocumentFile complex type.
- DocumentFile() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
- DONE - com.flower.docs.domain.job.FlowerJobStatus
- DOWNLOAD_CONTENT - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- DRAFT - com.flower.docs.domain.common.Status
State of a draft object which can be invalid
- duration - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
The duration of a search request in milliseconds
- DurationType - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.common
Duration expressed in a unit time <p>Java class for DurationType complex type.
- DurationType() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.common.DurationType
Default no-arg constructor abc
- DurationType(BigInteger, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.common.DurationType
Fully-initialising value constructor
- EMAIL - com.flower.docs.domain.notification.NotificationType
- end - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
The date at which ends the delegation
- END - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- ENDS_WITH - com.flower.docs.domain.search.Operators
- entries - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlList
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlEntry
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlList
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLConditionalRule
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLProxy
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.DurationType
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Id
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.IdentifiableString
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Property
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ResultField
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentData
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentReference
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Item
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tag
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tags
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Version
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionSeries
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.Context
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.IdBasedContext
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.document.Document
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.documentclass.DocumentClass
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType.Reasons
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalBaseFaultType
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalBaseFaultType
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.Digest
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder.Children
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folderclass.FolderClass
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.i18n.I18NLabel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.notification.Notification
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.report.LoginHistory
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.VersionSeries2
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.People
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Profile
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.AndClause
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Bucket
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criteria
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FieldAggregation
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.IconizedBucket
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.NamedAggregation
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.NamedBucket
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrClause
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrderClause
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.PartialBucket
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Search
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResult
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SelectClause
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.StoredSearch
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.AuthenticatedUser
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Group
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.IdentityAttribute
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.RecipientPrincipals
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Token
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.User
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValue
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValueWithIcon
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.ConditionalAllowedValue
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Attachment
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Answer
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswer
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswerDefinition
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolder.VirtualFolder
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass.VirtualFolderClass
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
- EQUALS_TO - com.flower.docs.domain.search.Operators
- ERROR - com.flower.docs.domain.job.FlowerJobStatus
- ExceptionBuilder - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.exception
- ExceptionBuilder() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.ExceptionBuilder
- ExceptionMessageFormatter - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.exception
- ExceptionMessageFormatter() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.ExceptionMessageFormatter
- expiration - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Token
- EXPORT - com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchContexts
- extractValues(Collection<Id>) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.Ids
- F00000 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Generic error
- F00001 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Empty list of component
- F00002 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Cannot delete a component which is attached to a folder
- F00005 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Invalid component.
- F00008 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
must be set - F00009 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
must exist - F00012 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Component does not exist
- F00013 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Creation date provided is lesser than server one
- F00016 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Component and class must be of same category
- F00020 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Document tag value is not in allowed values
- F00023 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Criterion operator is not correctly set
- F00024 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Criterion type is not correctly set
- F00026 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Criterion name must not be empty
- F00027 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Criterion value must not be empty
- F00029 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Order name must not be empty
- F00030 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Order type must is not set correctly
- F00031 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Criteria item is not set correctly
- F00032 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Tag is not allowed for component class
- F00033 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Mandatory tag is not present
- F00034 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Tag value does not match pattern
- F00035 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
No id set for component to update
- F00036 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Tag value incorrect format
- F00037 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Tag is not referenced as multivalued
- F00038 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
No matching conditional tag value
- F00039 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Business rule validation fails
- F00101 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
No folder to process
- F00102 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
FOLDER name must be unique
- F00104 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
FOLDER Scope must be set and non empty
- F00105 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Folders should have same
- F00106 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Folders to process with same name
- F00107 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
FOLDER data must be set
- F00108 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not valid folder data
- F00109 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
FOLDER class must be
- F00110 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
FOLDER does not have a mandatory tag
- F00111 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
FOLDER name is not set
- F00112 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
FOLDER owner must be set
- F00113 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
FOLDER class must be set
- F00114 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
FOLDER has invalid pattern for tag
- F00115 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
FOLDER tag value is not in allowed values
- F00116 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
FOLDER is closed, it cannot be updated.
- F00117 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
FOLDER ChildComponent must be set
- F00118 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
FOLDER has not allowed child(ren)
- F00119 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
FOLDER can not be delete since it has child(ren)
- F00201 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Empty list of
- F00202 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Component class with same id exists
- F00203 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Component class has no data set
- F00204 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Component class has no
set - F00205 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Set tags does not exist
- F00206 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
does not exist - F00207 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Component class
must not be changed - F00208 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Component class does not have valid security object identifier
- F00301 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Empty list of ACL to process
- F00302 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to create a scope
- F00303 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to delete a scope
- F00306 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to store a component
- F00308 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to update a component
- F00309 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to delete a component
- F00314 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Class has an invalid referenced ACL
- F00315 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Invalid user in security context
- F00316 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
User is not allowed in this
- F00317 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
User is not allowed to modify the
- F00318 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
ACL has no ACE
- F00319 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
ACE's grant value not set
- F00320 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
ACE has no principals
- F00321 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
ACE has no permissions
- F00322 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
ACL does not exists
- F00323 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Given password mismatch
- F00324 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Invalid user credentials
- F00325 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed for
on component - F00326 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Can not change password
- F00327 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Forbidden to create technical fact
- F00328 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
- F00331 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Account temporary locked
- F00332 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to reset account
- F00412 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to
on task - F00413 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
At least one required attachment is missing on task
- F00414 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
An attachment was found but this task does not accept attachments
- F00415 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
An attachment was found from a class not accepted as attachments on this task
- F00416 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
A readOnly attachment was being updated on task
- F00417 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
A monovalued attachment has more than one occurrence on task
- F00418 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
The task is reserved by another user
- F00419 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
The applied answer does not exist
- F00420 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to
a task - F00421 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to
a task - F00422 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to
a task - F00423 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Task not assigned to current user
- F00433 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
The answer is invalid mandatory tag is not present
- F00434 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
The answer is invalid tag is monovalued
- F00601 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
link Id} must be unique - F00602 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
must exist - F00603 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
must not be empty - F00604 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
with sameId
already exists - F00605 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
list must not be empty - F00606 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
of aScope
cannot be changed - F00701 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
has no content - F00702 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to read
of document - F00703 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
DocumentFile id is empty for the document
- F00704 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
cannot be found - F00801 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
The starting is after the ending date
- F00802 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
The ending date is after the current date
- F00803 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
The starting date must be set
- F00804 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
The ending date must be set
- F00898 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
must be set onTagCategory
- F00900 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Tag category with same id already exists
- F00901 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
must be set onTagClass
- F00902 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Valid tag value type must be set on
- F00903 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Tag with same id already exists
- F01002 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Reservation cannot be created because there are existings reservations for supplied components
- F01003 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Reservation cannot be released because there are existings reservations for supplied components and other user(s)
- F01101 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
The current user who wants to create a delegation must be a Delegation Manager or the Delegator himself.
- F01102 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
The current user who wants to update a delegation must be a Delegation Manager or the Delegator himself.
- F01103 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Invalid delegation.
- F01104 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Valid values must be set on the delegation.
- F01105 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Delegation asked to be updated is not found in the database.
- F01301 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to
of a document - F01303 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Cannot read annotations for document
- F01304 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Cannot create annotations for document
- F01305 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Cannot update annotations for document
- F01306 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Cannot delete annotations for document
- F01401 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
process with same id already exists
- F01500 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not the current version
- F01501 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
No version label set
- F01502 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Version already exists
- F01504 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Reverted target version does not exists
- F01505 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to
version - F01507 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to
version - F01508 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to
version - F01509 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to
version - F01601 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to update a CLOSED component of class
- F01602 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Not allowed to answer a Draft task of class
- F01701 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Favorites concurrent modification is not supported
- F01801 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Cannot index document content with invalid identifiers
- F01802 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Cannot de-index document content with invalid identifiers
- F01803 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Cannot get document content with invalid identifiers
- Fact - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.fact
<p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- Fact() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Fact(Id, ObjectType, Id, String, String, String, String, boolean, Date, List<ResultField>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Fully-initialising value constructor
- field - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FieldAggregation
The field on which the aggregation is done
- FieldAggregation - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
An aggregation based on fields <p>Java class for FieldAggregation complex type.
- FieldAggregation() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FieldAggregation
Default no-arg constructor abc
- FieldAggregation(String, List<Aggregation>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FieldAggregation
Fully-initialising value constructor
- fields - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
- fields - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResult
- fields - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SelectClause
- FILE - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- files - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.document.Document
- files - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
The file attachments of a task
- FILES - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- FILTER_CLAUSE - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- FilterClause - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
<p>Java class for FilterClause complex type.
- FilterClause() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FilterClause
Default no-arg constructor abc
- FilterClause(List<FilterClause>, List<Criterion>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FilterClause
Fully-initialising value constructor
- filterClauses - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
- firstname - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.User
The first name (or given name) of the user
- FLOAT - com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagValueType
- FlowerFields - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain
- FlowerJobStatus - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.job
- folder() - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ReferenceBuilder
- Folder - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.folder
Flower component standing for a folder <p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- Folder() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Folder(Id, ComponentData, Tags, Category, String, Folder.Children) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder
Fully-initialising value constructor
- FOLDER - com.flower.docs.domain.component.Category
- FOLDER - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- FOLDER_CLASS - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- Folder.Children - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.folder
<p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- FolderClass - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.folderclass
Folder class which defines a type of folders <p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- FolderClass() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.folderclass.FolderClass
Default no-arg constructor abc
- FolderClass(Id, Data, List<Id>, List<TagReference>, List<I18NLabel>, List<I18NLabel>, DurationType, Category, boolean, Boolean, List<ComponentReference>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.folderclass.FolderClass
Fully-initialising value constructor
- format(String, Object[]) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.ExceptionMessageFormatter
- formatCode - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
- found - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
The total number of found objects independent of pagination
- FREELIST - com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagValueType
- from(Component) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ReferenceBuilder
- from(Collection<T>) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.Ids
from a list ofIdentifiableElement
- from(List<Component>) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ReferenceBuilder
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.acl.GrantType
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.common.Status
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.common.TimeUnit
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.common.ValidityCode
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.component.Category
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionStrategy
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.VersioningMode
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
Parses the supplied field to
. - fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.job.FlowerJobStatus
Parses the supplied job status to
. - fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.notification.NotificationType
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.ReservationType
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.search.Operators
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchContexts
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.search.Types
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.security.Roles
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagValueType
- fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Required
- FUNCTIONAL_ADMIN - com.flower.docs.domain.security.Roles
- FunctionalBaseFaultType - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.exception
Fonctional exception type <p>Java class for FunctionalBaseFaultType complex type.
- FunctionalBaseFaultType() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalBaseFaultType
Default no-arg constructor abc
- FunctionalBaseFaultType(String, String, Date, String, String, String, String, AbstractBaseFaultType.Reasons) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalBaseFaultType
Fully-initialising value constructor
- FunctionalErrorCode - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.exception
Defines all error codes
- FunctionalException - Exception in com.flower.docs.domain.exception
Functional exception thrown on functional issue
- FunctionalException() - Constructor for exception com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalException
- FunctionalException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalException
- FunctionalException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalException
- GET_CONTENT - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
- getACL() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Gets the value of the acl property.
- getAclId() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLRule
Gets the value of the aclId property.
- getAction() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Gets the value of the action property.
- getActor() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Gets the value of the actor property.
- getAggregation() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
Gets the value of the aggregation property.
- getAlgorithm() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.Digest
Gets the value of the algorithm property.
- getAllowedValues() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValue
Gets the value of the allowedValues property.
- getAllowedValues() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
Gets the value of the allowedValues property.
- getAnswer() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
Gets the value of the answer property.
- getAnswers() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
Gets the value of the answers property.
- getAssignee() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
Gets the value of the assignee property.
- getAttachments() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
Gets the value of the attachments property.
- getAttributes() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Identity
Gets the value of the attributes property.
- getAttributes() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Answer
Gets the value of the attributes property.
- getBuckets() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
Gets the value of the buckets property.
- getCaseInstance() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
Gets the value of the caseInstance property.
- getCategory() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Component
Gets the value of the category property.
- getCategory() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentReference
Gets the value of the category property.
- getCategory() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionSeries
Gets the value of the category property.
- getCategory() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Gets the value of the category property.
- getCategory() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.Context
- getCategory() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.VersionSeries2
Gets the value of the category property.
- getCategory() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criteria
The category on which the criteria should be applied
- getCategory() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Search
Gets the value of the category property.
- getChildren() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentContainerClass
Gets the value of the children property.
- getChildren() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder
Gets the value of the children property.
- getChildren() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Bucket
Gets the value of the children property.
- getChildren() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
Gets the value of the children property.
- getChildren() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolder.VirtualFolder
Gets the value of the children property.
- getChildren() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass.VirtualFolderClass
Gets the value of the children property.
- getClassId() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentData
Gets the value of the classId property.
- getClassId() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Gets the value of the classId property.
- getClauses() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FilterClause
Gets the value of the clauses property.
- getCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Gets the value of the code property.
- getCode() - Method in exception com.flower.docs.domain.exception.CodeBasedException
Gets the error code of this exception
- getCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.CodeBasedExceptionError
- getComponent() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
Gets the value of the component property.
- getComponentIds() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Attachment
Gets the value of the componentIds property.
- getComponents() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder.Children
Gets the value of the components property.
- getConditions() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLConditionalRule
Gets the value of the conditions property.
- getConditions() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.ConditionalAllowedValue
Gets the value of the conditions property.
- getConfirmationMessages() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Answer
Gets the value of the confirmationMessages property.
- getContent() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
Gets the value of the content property.
- getContext() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
Gets the value of the context property.
- getCount() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Bucket
Gets the value of the count property.
- getCreationDate() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Gets the value of the creationDate property.
- getCreationDate() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Gets the value of the creationDate property.
- getCreationDate() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Gets the value of the creationDate property.
- getCreationDate() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
Gets the value of the creationDate property.
- getCreationDate() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.report.LoginHistory
Gets the value of the creationDate property.
- getCreator() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Gets the value of the creator property.
- getCriteria() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FilterClause
Gets the value of the criteria property.
- getCriterionList() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criteria
The list of criterion Gets the value of the criterionList property.
- getData() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Component
Gets the value of the data property.
- getData() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Gets the value of the data property.
- getData() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
Gets the value of the data property.
- getData() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.StoredSearch
Gets the value of the data property.
- getData() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
Gets the value of the data property.
- getData() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
Gets the value of the data property.
- getDate() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
Gets the value of the date property.
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Gets the value of the defaultValue property.
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Gets the value of the defaultValue property.
- getDelegate() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Gets the value of the delegate property.
- getDelegator() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Gets the value of the delegator property.
- getDelegators() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.AuthenticatedUser
Gets the value of the delegators property.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Profile
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescriptions() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Gets the value of the descriptions property.
- getDescriptions() - Method in interface com.flower.docs.domain.i18n.HasDescription
Gets internationalized descriptions
- getDescriptions() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Gets the value of the descriptions property.
- getDescriptions() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Gets the value of the descriptions property.
- getDescriptions() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
Gets the value of the descriptions property.
- getDetail() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Gets the value of the detail property.
- getDigest() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
Gets the value of the digest property.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Identity
Gets the value of the displayName property.
- getDisplayNames() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Gets the value of the displayNames property.
- getDisplayNames() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Gets the value of the displayNames property.
- getDisplayNames() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
Gets the value of the displayNames property.
- getDisplayNames() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Search
Gets the value of the displayNames property.
- getDisplayNames() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValue
Gets the value of the displayNames property.
- getDisplayNames() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
Gets the value of the displayNames property.
- getDisplayNames() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Answer
Gets the value of the displayNames property.
- getDisplayNames() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Gets the value of the displayNames property.
- getDisplayNames() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
Gets the value of the displayNames property.
- getDuration() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
Gets the value of the duration property.
- getDuration() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResults
- getEnd() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Gets the value of the end property.
- getEntries() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlList
Gets the value of the entries property.
- getExpiration() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Token
Gets the value of the expiration property.
- getField() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FieldAggregation
Gets the value of the field property.
- getFields() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
Gets the value of the fields property.
- getFields() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResult
Gets the value of the fields property.
- getFields() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SelectClause
Gets the value of the fields property.
- getFiles() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.document.Document
Gets the value of the files property.
- getFiles() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
Gets the value of the files property.
- getFilterClauses() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
Gets the value of the filterClauses property.
- getFirstname() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.User
Gets the value of the firstname property.
- getFormatCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
Gets the value of the formatCode property.
- getFound() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
Gets the value of the found property.
- getFound() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResults
Gets the total number of found results
- getGrant() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlEntry
Gets the value of the grant property.
- getGroups() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Identity
Gets the value of the groups property.
- getGroups() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.RecipientPrincipals
Gets the value of the groups property.
- getHttpErrorCode(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
- getHttpErrorCode(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
- getIcon() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Gets the value of the icon property.
- getIcon() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.IconizedBucket
Gets the value of the icon property.
- getIcon() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValueWithIcon
Gets the value of the icon property.
- getIcon() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Answer
Obtient la valeur de la propriété icon.
- getIcon() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
Gets the value of the icon property.
- getId() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.IdentifiableElement
Gets the value of the id property.
- getId() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.IdBasedContext
- getLang() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Gets the value of the lang property.
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.i18n.I18NLabel
Gets the value of the language property.
- getLanguages() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
Gets the value of the languages property.
- getLastname() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.User
Gets the value of the lastname property.
- getLastUpdateDate() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Gets the value of the lastUpdateDate property.
- getMail() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Identity
Gets the value of the mail property.
- getMax() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
Gets the value of the max property.
- getMembers() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Group
Gets the value of the members property.
- getMessage() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.CodeBasedExceptionError
- getMessage() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.notification.Notification
Gets the value of the message property.
- getMimeType() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.document.Document
Gets the value of the mimeType property.
- getName() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.SecurityObject
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Property
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ResultField
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Component
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tag
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Profile
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.NamedAggregation
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.NamedBucket
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrderClause
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.IdentityAttribute
Gets the value of the name property.
- getNested() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FieldAggregation
Gets the value of the nested property.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Gets the value of the objectId property.
- getObjects() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResults
Gets the objects of represented search
- getObjectType() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Gets the value of the objectType property.
- getOperator() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion
Gets the value of the operator property.
- getOrder() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Gets the value of the order property.
- getOrder() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Gets the value of the order property.
- getOrder() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Gets the value of the order property.
- getOrderClauses() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
Gets the value of the orderClauses property.
- getOrganisationalUnit() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
Gets the value of the organisationalUnit property.
- getOwner() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Gets the value of the owner property.
- getParentId() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.document.Document
Gets the value of the parentId property.
- getParticipants() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
Gets the value of the participants property.
- getPassword() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.User
Gets the value of the password property.
- getPattern() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
Gets the value of the pattern property.
- getPattern() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Gets the value of the pattern property.
- getPattern() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Gets the value of the pattern property.
- getPeople() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
Gets the value of the people property.
- getPermission() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlEntry
Gets the value of the permission property.
- getPhase() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.Context
- getPhaseValue() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.Phase
- getPrincipal() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlEntry
Gets the value of the principal property.
- getPrincipals() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Profile
Gets the value of the principals property.
- getProcessInstance() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
Gets the value of the processInstance property.
- getProfiles() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.report.LoginHistory
Gets the value of the profiles property.
- getProfiles() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.People
Gets the value of the profiles property.
- getProfiles() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Identity
Gets the value of the profiles property.
- getProfiles() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.RecipientPrincipals
Gets the value of the profiles property.
- getProperties() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Profile
Gets the value of the properties property.
- getReason() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType.Reasons
Gets the value of the reason property.
- getReasons() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Gets the value of the reasons property.
- getReasons() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswerDefinition
Gets the value of the reasons property.
- getRecipients() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.StoredSearch
Gets the value of the recipients property.
- getReferences() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder.Children
Gets the value of the references property.
- getReferences() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.notification.Notification
Gets the value of the references property.
- getRequest() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Bucket
Gets the value of the request property.
- getRequest() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Search
Gets the value of the request property.
- getRequestId() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Gets the value of the requestId property.
- getRequired() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Gets the value of the required property.
- getReservedComponents() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.AuthenticatedUser
Gets the value of the reservedComponents property.
- getResults() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
Gets the value of the results property.
- getRetentionDuration() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Gets the value of the retentionDuration property.
- getRetentionEndDate() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Gets the value of the retentionEndDate property.
- getRetentionStartDate() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Gets the value of the retentionStartDate property.
- getRules() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLProxy
Gets the value of the rules property.
- getScope() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.AuthenticatedUser
Gets the value of the scope property.
- getSearches() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass.VirtualFolderClass
Gets the value of the searches property.
- getSelectClause() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
Gets the value of the selectClause property.
- getSeverity() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Gets the value of the severity property.
- getSize() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
Gets the value of the size property.
- getStart() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Gets the value of the start property.
- getStart() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
Gets the value of the start property.
- getStartTaskClass() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
Gets the value of the startTaskClass property.
- getStatus() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentData
Gets the value of the status property.
- getStyle() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
Gets the value of the style property.
- getSymbolicName() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValue
Gets the value of the symbolicName property.
- getSynopsis() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Gets the value of the synopsis property.
- getTagCategories() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Gets the value of the tagCategories property.
- getTagFieldDefinitions() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.TagsDefinition
- getTagFieldNames() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.TagsDefinition
- getTagName() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Gets the value of the tagName property.
- getTagName() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Gets the value of the tagName property.
- getTagReferences() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Gets the value of the tagReferences property.
- getTags() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Component
List of tags
- getTags() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tags
Gets the value of the tags property.
- getTags() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Gets the value of the tags property.
- getTags() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Expected tags of task attachment
- getTags() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswer
Obtient la valeur de la propriété tags.
- getTargetStatus() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswerDefinition
Obtient la valeur de la propriété targetStatus.
- getTaskClasses() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
Gets the value of the taskClasses property.
- getTemplate() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.StoredSearch
Gets the value of the template property.
- getTerminationDate() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Gets the value of the terminationDate property.
- getTerminator() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Gets the value of the terminator property.
- getTimestamp() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Gets the value of the timestamp property.
- getTitle() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.notification.Notification
Gets the value of the title property.
- getToken() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.AuthenticatedUser
Gets the value of the token property.
- getType() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrderClause
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
Gets the value of the type property.
- getUnit() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.DurationType
Gets the value of the unit property.
- getUpdatedFields() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Gets the value of the updatedFields property.
- getUser() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Gets the value of the user property.
- getUser() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.report.LoginHistory
Gets the value of the user property.
- getUser() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
Gets the value of the user property.
- getUsers() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.RecipientPrincipals
Gets the value of the users property.
- getValidityCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Gets the value of the validityCode property.
- getValids(List<Id>) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.Ids
- getValue() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.DurationType
Gets the value of the value property.
- getValue() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Id
EDMS identifier.
- getValue() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.IdentifiableString
Gets the value of the value property.
- getValue() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Property
Gets the value of the value property.
- getValue() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ResultField
Gets the value of the value property.
- getValue() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tag
Gets the value of the value property.
- getValue() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.Digest
Gets the value of the value property.
- getValue() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.i18n.I18NLabel
Gets the value of the value property.
- getValue() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Token
Gets the value of the value property.
- getValues() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion
Gets the value of the values property.
- getValues() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.IdentityAttribute
Gets the value of the values property.
- getVersion() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentData
Gets the value of the version property.
- getVersion() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.document.Document
Gets the value of the version property.
- getVersioningMode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.VersionableComponentClass
Gets the value of the versioningMode property.
- getVersionLabel() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Version
Gets the value of the versionLabel property.
- getVersions() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionSeries
Gets the value of the versions property.
- getVersions() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.VersionSeries2
Gets the value of the versions property.
- getVersionSeriesId() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Version
Gets the value of the versionSeriesId property.
- getWorkflow() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
Gets the value of the workflow property.
- getWorkflow() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
Gets the value of the workflow property.
- grant - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlEntry
Grant Type : Allow or Deny
- GrantType - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.acl
The granting type of an ACE <p>Java class for GrantType.
- GREATER_THAN - com.flower.docs.domain.search.Operators
- Group - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.security
An identity of a user group <p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- Group() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Group
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Group(Id, String, String, List<Id>, List<Id>, List<IdentityAttribute>, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Group
Fully-initialising value constructor
- GROUP - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- groups - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Identity
- groups - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.RecipientPrincipals
- GwtTransient - Annotation Type in com.flower.docs.domain.common
- HasDescription - Interface in com.flower.docs.domain.i18n
Defines an object which accepts a i18n description
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlEntry
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlList
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLConditionalRule
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLProxy
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.DurationType
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Id
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.IdentifiableString
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Property
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ResultField
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentData
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentReference
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Item
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tag
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tags
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Version
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionSeries
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.Context
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.IdBasedContext
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.document.Document
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.documentclass.DocumentClass
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType.Reasons
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalBaseFaultType
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalBaseFaultType
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.Digest
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder.Children
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folderclass.FolderClass
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.i18n.I18NLabel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.notification.Notification
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.report.LoginHistory
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.VersionSeries2
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.People
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Profile
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.AndClause
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Bucket
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criteria
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FieldAggregation
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.IconizedBucket
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.NamedAggregation
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.NamedBucket
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrClause
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrderClause
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.PartialBucket
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Search
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResult
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SelectClause
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.StoredSearch
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.AuthenticatedUser
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Group
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.IdentityAttribute
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.RecipientPrincipals
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Token
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.User
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValue
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValueWithIcon
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.ConditionalAllowedValue
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Attachment
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Answer
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswer
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswerDefinition
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolder.VirtualFolder
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass.VirtualFolderClass
- hashCode() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
- hashCodeEnums(List<? extends Enum<?>>) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.HashCodeHelper
- HashCodeHelper - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.common
- HashCodeHelper() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.common.HashCodeHelper
- HIERARCHICAL - com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagValueType
- httpCode() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
- httpCode() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
- I18NLabel - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.i18n
<p>Java class for I18NLabel complex type.
- I18NLabel() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.i18n.I18NLabel
Default no-arg constructor abc
- I18NLabel(String, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.i18n.I18NLabel
Fully-initialising value constructor
- icon - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Icon corresponding to the tag
- icon - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.IconizedBucket
Icon of the bucket
- icon - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValueWithIcon
The icon as CSS class of an allowed value
- icon - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Answer
- icon - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
- ICON - com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagValueType
- IconizedBucket - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
A named bucket which can be displayed as icon <p>Java class for IconizedBucket complex type.
- IconizedBucket() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.IconizedBucket
Default no-arg constructor abc
- IconizedBucket(SearchRequest, long, List<Bucket>, String, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.IconizedBucket
Fully-initialising value constructor
- id - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.IdentifiableElement
The unique identifier
- id(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ReferenceBuilder
- id(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ReferenceBuilder
- Id - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.common
Flower unique identifier <p>Java class for Id complex type.
- Id() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Id
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Id(String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Id
Fully-initialising value constructor
- ID - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- IdBasedContext - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass
- IdBasedContext() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.IdBasedContext
- IdentifiableElement - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.common
A element which is identifiable by a unique identifier {@link Id} <p>Java class for IdentifiableElement complex type.
- IdentifiableElement() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.common.IdentifiableElement
Default no-arg constructor abc
- IdentifiableElement(Id) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.common.IdentifiableElement
Fully-initialising value constructor
- IdentifiableString - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.common
<p>Java class for IdentifiableString complex type.
- IdentifiableString() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.common.IdentifiableString
Default no-arg constructor abc
- IdentifiableString(Id, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.common.IdentifiableString
Fully-initialising value constructor
- Identity - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.security
An identity of an individual or a corporate body <p>Java class for Identity complex type.
- Identity() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Identity
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Identity(Id, String, String, List<Id>, List<Id>, List<IdentityAttribute>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Identity
Fully-initialising value constructor
- IdentityAttribute - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.security
Attribute of an identity <p>Java class for IdentityAttribute complex type.
- IdentityAttribute() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.security.IdentityAttribute
Default no-arg constructor abc
- IdentityAttribute(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.security.IdentityAttribute
Fully-initialising value constructor
- Ids - Class in com.flower.docs.domain
- Ids() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.Ids
- inline - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Determines if the tag's references should be displayed as inline
- INSERT - com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.Phase
- INT - com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagValueType
- INTEGER - com.flower.docs.domain.search.Types
- INVALID - com.flower.docs.domain.common.Status
State of an invalid object
- INVALID - com.flower.docs.domain.common.ValidityCode
- isActive() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Gets the value of the active property.
- isAny() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criteria
Determines if all criteria are required or any one.
- isAscending() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrderClause
Gets the value of the ascending property.
- isAutoAssign() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
Gets the value of the autoAssign property.
- isCredentialsExpired() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.User
Gets the value of the credentialsExpired property.
- isCurrentVersion() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Version
Gets the value of the currentVersion property.
- isInline() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Gets the value of the inline property.
- isMandatory() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Gets the value of the mandatory property.
- isMandatory() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Gets the value of the mandatory property.
- isMultivalued() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Gets the value of the multivalued property.
- isMultivalued() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Gets the value of the multivalued property.
- isMultivalued() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Gets the value of the multivalued property.
- isReadonly() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Gets the value of the readonly property.
- isReadonly() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Gets the value of the readonly property.
- isReadOnly() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tag
Gets the value of the readOnly property.
- isReduced() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Gets the value of the reduced property.
- isSearchable() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
Gets the value of the searchable property.
- ISSUER - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- isTechnical() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Gets the value of the technical property.
- isTechnical() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Gets the value of the technical property.
- isTechnical() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Gets the value of the technical property.
- isTechnical() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Gets the value of the technical property.
- isValid(Id) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.Ids
- isValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- isValue(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.job.FlowerJobStatus
- isVisible() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Gets the value of the visible property.
- Item - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.component
<p>Java class for Item complex type.
- Item() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Item
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Item(Id, ComponentData, Tags, Category, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Item
Fully-initialising value constructor
- lang - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
langue pour les messages
- language - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.i18n.I18NLabel
- languages - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
- LAST_UPDATE_DATE - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- lastname - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.User
The last name (or surname) of the user
- lastUpdateDate - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Last update date
- LATER - com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Required
Required later: indicates, for information, that it will be required to complete a process
- LESS_THAN - com.flower.docs.domain.search.Operators
- LOCK - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
- LoginHistory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.report
<p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- LoginHistory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.report.LoginHistory
Default no-arg constructor abc
- LoginHistory(Id, Id, List<Id>, Date) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.report.LoginHistory
Fully-initialising value constructor
- mail - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Identity
- MAJOR - com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionStrategy
- mandatory - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Determines if the referenced tag class is mandatory or not
- mandatory - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Determines if the referenced tag class is mandatory or not
- MANUAL - com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.VersioningMode
- MANUAL - com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.ReservationType
- marshal(Date) - Method in class org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Adapter1
- marshal(Date) - Method in class org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Adapter2
- max - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
- MAX - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- members - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Group
- message - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.notification.Notification
- mimeType - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.document.Document
- MINOR - com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionStrategy
- MODIFY - com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.Phase
- MONTH - com.flower.docs.domain.common.TimeUnit
- multivalued - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Determines if the referenced tag class is multivaled or monovalued
- multivalued - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Determines if the referenced attachment is multivalued or monovalued
- multivalued - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Determines if the referenced tag class is multivaled or monovalued
- name - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.SecurityObject
- name - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Property
- name - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ResultField
- name - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Component
Name of the component
- name - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tag
- name - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
- name - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Profile
- name - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion
- name - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.NamedAggregation
The name of the aggregation to process
- name - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.NamedBucket
Name of the bucket
- name - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrderClause
- name - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.IdentityAttribute
- NAME - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- NamedAggregation - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
An aggregation which references a server side configuration <p>Java class for NamedAggregation complex type.
- NamedAggregation() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.NamedAggregation
Default no-arg constructor abc
- NamedAggregation(String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.NamedAggregation
Fully-initialising value constructor
- NamedBucket - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
A bucket whose the name can be defined <p>Java class for NamedBucket complex type.
- NamedBucket() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.NamedBucket
Default no-arg constructor abc
- NamedBucket(SearchRequest, long, List<Bucket>, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.NamedBucket
Fully-initialising value constructor
- nested - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FieldAggregation
The nested aggregations
- NEW - com.flower.docs.domain.common.Status
State of a never processed object
- NO - com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Required
Not required: optional
- NONE - com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionStrategy
- NONE - com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.VersioningMode
- NOT_APPLICABLE - com.flower.docs.domain.common.ValidityCode
- NOT_FOUND - com.flower.docs.domain.job.FlowerJobStatus
- Notification - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.notification
<p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- Notification() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.notification.Notification
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Notification(Id, String, String, List<ComponentReference>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.notification.Notification
Fully-initialising value constructor
- NotificationType - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.notification
Type of notification <p>Java class for NotificationType.
- NOW - com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Required
Required now: mandatory to complete the task
- NUMBERED - com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionStrategy
- OBFUSCATE - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- OBJECT_ID - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.acl
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.acl package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.common
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.common package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.component
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.component package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.delegation
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.delegation package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.document
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.document package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.documentclass
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.documentclass package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.exception
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.exception package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.fact
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.fact package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.file
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.file package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.folder
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.folder package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.folderclass
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.folderclass package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.i18n
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.i18n package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.notification
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.notification package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.report
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.report package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.reservation
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.reservation package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.scope
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.scope package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.search package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.security
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.security package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.task
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.task package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolder
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolder package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass package.
- ObjectFactory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.workflow
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.flower.docs.domain.workflow package.
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.acl
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.common
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.component
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.delegation
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.document.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.document
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.documentclass.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.documentclass
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.exception
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.fact
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.file.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.file
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.folder
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.folderclass.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.folderclass
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.i18n.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.i18n
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.notification.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.notification
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.report.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.report
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.reservation
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.scope
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.search
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.security.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.security
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.task.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.task
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolder.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolder
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.flower.docs.domain.workflow
- objectId - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
- objectType - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
- ObjectType - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.fact
Type of domain object <p>Java class for ObjectType.
- OPEN - com.flower.docs.domain.common.Status
State of an object which is currently processing
- operator - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion
- OPERATOR - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- Operators - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.search
<p>Java class for Operators.
- OrClause - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
<p>Java class for OrClause complex type.
- OrClause() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrClause
Default no-arg constructor abc
- OrClause(List<FilterClause>, List<Criterion>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrClause
Fully-initialising value constructor
- order - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
The display order of the referenced tag class
- order - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
The display order of the attachment
- order - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
The display order of the referenced tag class
- ORDER - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- OrderClause - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
<p>Java class for OrderClause complex type.
- OrderClause() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrderClause
Default no-arg constructor abc
- OrderClause(String, Types, boolean) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrderClause
Fully-initialising value constructor
- orderClauses - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
- org.w3._2001.xmlschema - package org.w3._2001.xmlschema
- organisationalUnit - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
- OUT_OF_DATE - com.flower.docs.domain.common.Status
- owner - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Owner of the folder
- OWNER - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- OWNER - com.flower.docs.domain.security.Roles
Contextual role for owner of
- PARENT_FOLDER - com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchContexts
- PARENT_ID - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- parentId - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.document.Document
- parseDateTime(String) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.jaxb.DateAdapter
- PartialBucket - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
A named bucket which is partially loaded/resolved.
- PartialBucket() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.PartialBucket
Default no-arg constructor abc
- PartialBucket(SearchRequest, long, List<Bucket>, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.PartialBucket
Fully-initialising value constructor
- PARTICIPANT_ID - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- participants - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
The principals of the participants who answer to the task
- PARTICIPANTS - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- password - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.User
- pattern - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
The regular expression used to validate tag values
- pattern - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
The regular expression used to validate tag values.
- pattern - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
The regular expression used to validate answers values.
- people - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
- People - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.scope
<p>Java class for People complex type.
- People() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.People
Default no-arg constructor abc
- People(List<Profile>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.People
Fully-initialising value constructor
- permission - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlEntry
- Permission - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.acl
Flower base permissions which can be used in ACL <p>Java class for Permission.
- Phase - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass
Phase wich can be used for a component or a folder
- principal - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlEntry
User Principal
- principals - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Profile
- PRINT - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- printDateTime(Date) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.jaxb.DateAdapter
- printDateTime(Date, Locale) - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.jaxb.DateAdapter
- PROCESS - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- PROCESS - com.flower.docs.domain.job.FlowerJobStatus
- processInstance - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
The id of the process instance to which the task belongs
- Profile - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.scope
<p>Java class for Profile complex type.
- Profile() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Profile
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Profile(Id, String, String, List<String>, List<Property>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Profile
Fully-initialising value constructor
- profiles - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.report.LoginHistory
- profiles - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.People
- profiles - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Identity
- profiles - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.RecipientPrincipals
- PROFILES - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- PROMOTE - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
- properties - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Profile
- Property - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.common
<p>Java class for Property complex type.
- Property() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Property
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Property(String, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Property
Fully-initialising value constructor
- PURGE - com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchContexts
- PUSH - com.flower.docs.domain.notification.NotificationType
- READ - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- READ - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
- READ_ANNOTATION - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- READ_CONTENT - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- READ_DATA - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- READ_HISTORY - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- READ_OBFUSCATION - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- READ_TAGS - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- READ_TASK_HISTORY - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- readonly - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Determines if the referenced tag class is readonly post-creation
- readonly - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Determines if the attachment is readonly or not
- readOnly - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tag
- READONLY - com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.Phase
- reason - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType.Reasons
- Reason - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass
<p>Java class for Reason complex type.
- Reason() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Reason(List<I18NLabel>, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, int, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Fully-initialising value constructor
- ReasonedAnswer - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass
<p>Classe Java pour ReasonedAnswer complex type.
- ReasonedAnswer() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswer
Default no-arg constructor abc
- ReasonedAnswer(Id, List<I18NLabel>, List<I18NLabel>, Tags) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswer
- ReasonedAnswerDefinition - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass
<p>Classe Java pour ReasonedAnswerDefinition complex type.
- ReasonedAnswerDefinition() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswerDefinition
Default no-arg constructor abc
- ReasonedAnswerDefinition(Id, List<I18NLabel>, List<I18NLabel>, List<Reason>, Status) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswerDefinition
- reasons - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
tableau des erreurs d'origine (stack)
- reasons - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswerDefinition
The reasons of the answer
- Reasons() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType.Reasons
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Reasons(List<AbstractBaseFaultType>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType.Reasons
Fully-initialising value constructor
- RecipientPrincipals - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.security
The principals of all recipients of an element.
- RecipientPrincipals() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.security.RecipientPrincipals
Default no-arg constructor abc
- RecipientPrincipals(List<Id>, List<Id>, List<Id>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.security.RecipientPrincipals
Fully-initialising value constructor
- recipients - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.StoredSearch
- RECIPIENTS_GROUPS - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- RECIPIENTS_PROFILES - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- RECIPIENTS_USERS - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- reduced - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Determines if the tag is currently reduced or not
- ReferenceBuilder - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.component
- references - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder.Children
References of child components
- references - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.notification.Notification
- request - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Bucket
List of Criterion on which results has been aggregated and its value
- request - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Search
- REQUEST_ID - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- requestId - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
- required - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Determines if the attachment is mandatory or not
- Required - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass
Define how a task attachment is required <p>Java class for Required.
- Reservation - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.reservation
A component reservation: object allowing to reserve a component for a user <p>Java class for Reservation complex type.
- Reservation() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Reservation(Id, ComponentReference, Date, String, ReservationType, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
Fully-initialising value constructor
- RESERVATION - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- ReservationType - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.reservation
<p>Java class for ReservationType.
- reservedComponents - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.AuthenticatedUser
- ResultField - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.common
<p>Java class for ResultField complex type.
- ResultField() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ResultField
Default no-arg constructor abc
- ResultField(String, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ResultField
Fully-initialising value constructor
- results - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
- RETENTION_END_DATE - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- RETENTION_START_DATE - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- retentionDuration - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
- retentionEndDate - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
The retention date represents the date after which a folder can be removed from the GED repository
- retentionStartDate - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
The retention date represents the date after which a folder can be removed from the GED repository
- REVERT - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
- REVERT - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- Roles - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.security
All applicative roles of Flower Docs application
- rules - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLProxy
The rules of the proxy.
- SCHEME - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- scope - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.AuthenticatedUser
- Scope - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.scope
<p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- Scope() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Scope(Id, String, String, List<I18NLabel>, List<String>, Data, People) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
Fully-initialising value constructor
- SCOPE - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- SCOPE - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- SCOPE_MANAGER - com.flower.docs.domain.security.Roles
The role for a scope manager
- Search - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
FlowerDocs Search object which provides category to complete informations given by SearchRequest <p>Java class for Search complex type.
- Search() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Search
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Search(Id, Category, SearchRequest, List<I18NLabel>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Search
Fully-initialising value constructor
- SEARCH - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
- SEARCH - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- SEARCH - com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchContexts
- searchable - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
Define if the tag is searchable or not
- SearchContexts - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.search
<p>Java class for SearchContexts.
- searches - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass.VirtualFolderClass
- SearchRequest - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
<p>Java class for SearchRequest complex type.
- SearchRequest() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
Default no-arg constructor abc
- SearchRequest(SelectClause, List<FilterClause>, List<OrderClause>, List<Criterion>, int, int, Aggregation) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
Fully-initialising value constructor
- SearchResponse - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
<p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- SearchResponse() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
Default no-arg constructor abc
- SearchResponse(int, long, List<Bucket>, List<String>, List<SearchResult>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
Fully-initialising value constructor
- SearchResult - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
A result of a search <p>Java class for SearchResult complex type.
- SearchResult() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResult
Default no-arg constructor abc
- SearchResult(Id, List<ResultField>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResult
Fully-initialising value constructor
- SearchResults<T> - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
Stands for objects of a search.
- SearchResults() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResults
- SearchResults(List<T>, long) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResults
- SearchResults(List<T>, long, long) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResults
- SECURITY_ADMIN - com.flower.docs.domain.security.Roles
- SECURITY_OBJECT - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- SecurityObject - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.acl
Object holding security <p>Java class for SecurityObject complex type.
- SecurityObject() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.SecurityObject
Default no-arg constructor abc
- SecurityObject(Id, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.SecurityObject
Fully-initialising value constructor
- SELECT_CLAUSE - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- selectClause - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
- SelectClause - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
<p>Java class for SelectClause complex type.
- SelectClause() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SelectClause
Default no-arg constructor abc
- SelectClause(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SelectClause
Fully-initialising value constructor
- setACL(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Sets the value of the acl property.
- setAclId(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLRule
Sets the value of the aclId property.
- setAction(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Sets the value of the action property.
- setActive(boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Sets the value of the active property.
- setActor(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Sets the value of the actor property.
- setAggregation(Aggregation) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
Sets the value of the aggregation property.
- setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.Digest
Sets the value of the algorithm property.
- setAllowedValues(List<AllowedValue>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValue
- setAllowedValues(List<AllowedValue>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
- setAnswer(Answer) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
Sets the value of the answer property.
- setAnswers(List<Answer>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
- setAny(boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criteria
Sets the value of the any property.
- setAscending(boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrderClause
Sets the value of the ascending property.
- setAssignee(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
Sets the value of the assignee property.
- setAttachments(List<Attachment>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
- setAttributes(List<IdentifiableString>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Answer
- setAttributes(List<IdentityAttribute>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Identity
- setAutoAssign(boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
Sets the value of the autoAssign property.
- setBuckets(List<Bucket>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
- setCaseInstance(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
Sets the value of the caseInstance property.
- setCategory(Category) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Component
Sets the value of the category property.
- setCategory(Category) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentReference
Sets the value of the category property.
- setCategory(Category) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionSeries
Sets the value of the category property.
- setCategory(Category) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Sets the value of the category property.
- setCategory(Category) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.Context
- setCategory(Category) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.VersionSeries2
Sets the value of the category property.
- setCategory(Category) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criteria
Sets the value of the category property.
- setCategory(Category) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Search
Sets the value of the category property.
- setChildren(Folder.Children) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder
Sets the value of the children property.
- setChildren(List<Id>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolder.VirtualFolder
- setChildren(List<Id>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass.VirtualFolderClass
- setChildren(List<ComponentReference>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentContainerClass
- setChildren(List<Bucket>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Bucket
- setChildren(List<AttachmentDefinition>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
- setClassId(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentData
Sets the value of the classId property.
- setClassId(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Sets the value of the classId property.
- setClauses(List<FilterClause>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FilterClause
- setCode(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Sets the value of the code property.
- setComponent(ComponentReference) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
Sets the value of the component property.
- setComponentIds(List<Id>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Attachment
- setComponents(List<Component>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder.Children
- setConditions(List<String>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLConditionalRule
- setConditions(List<String>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.ConditionalAllowedValue
- setConfirmationMessages(List<I18NLabel>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Answer
- setContent(DataHandler) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
Sets the value of the content property.
- setContext(List<Criterion>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
- setCount(long) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Bucket
Sets the value of the count property.
- setCreationDate(Date) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Sets the value of the creationDate property.
- setCreationDate(Date) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Sets the value of the creationDate property.
- setCreationDate(Date) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Sets the value of the creationDate property.
- setCreationDate(Date) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
Sets the value of the creationDate property.
- setCreationDate(Date) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.report.LoginHistory
Sets the value of the creationDate property.
- setCreator(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Sets the value of the creator property.
- setCredentialsExpired(boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.User
Sets the value of the credentialsExpired property.
- setCriteria(List<Criterion>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FilterClause
- setCriterionList(List<Criterion>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criteria
- setCurrentVersion(Boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Version
Sets the value of the currentVersion property.
- setData(Data) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Sets the value of the data property.
- setData(Data) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
Sets the value of the data property.
- setData(Data) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.StoredSearch
Sets the value of the data property.
- setData(Data) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
Sets the value of the data property.
- setData(Data) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
Sets the value of the data property.
- setData(ComponentData) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Component
Sets the value of the data property.
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
Sets the value of the date property.
- setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Sets the value of the defaultValue property.
- setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Sets the value of the defaultValue property.
- setDelegate(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Sets the value of the delegate property.
- setDelegator(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Sets the value of the delegator property.
- setDelegators(List<Id>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.AuthenticatedUser
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Profile
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescriptions(List<I18NLabel>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
- setDescriptions(List<I18NLabel>) - Method in interface com.flower.docs.domain.i18n.HasDescription
Sets the internationalized descriptions
- setDescriptions(List<I18NLabel>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
- setDescriptions(List<I18NLabel>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
- setDescriptions(List<I18NLabel>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
- setDetail(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Sets the value of the detail property.
- setDigest(Digest) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
Sets the value of the digest property.
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Identity
Sets the value of the displayName property.
- setDisplayNames(List<I18NLabel>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
- setDisplayNames(List<I18NLabel>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
- setDisplayNames(List<I18NLabel>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
- setDisplayNames(List<I18NLabel>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Search
- setDisplayNames(List<I18NLabel>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValue
- setDisplayNames(List<I18NLabel>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
- setDisplayNames(List<I18NLabel>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Answer
- setDisplayNames(List<I18NLabel>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
- setDisplayNames(List<I18NLabel>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
- setDuration(long) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
Sets the value of the duration property.
- setDuration(long) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResults
- setEnd(Date) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Sets the value of the end property.
- setEntries(List<AccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlList
- setExpiration(Date) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Token
Sets the value of the expiration property.
- setField(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FieldAggregation
Sets the value of the field property.
- setFields(List<ResultField>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResult
- setFields(List<String>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
- setFields(List<String>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SelectClause
- setFiles(List<DocumentFile>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.document.Document
- setFiles(List<DocumentFile>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
- setFilterClauses(List<FilterClause>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
- setFirstname(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.User
Sets the value of the firstname property.
- setFormatCode(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
Sets the value of the formatCode property.
- setFound(int) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
Sets the value of the found property.
- setFound(long) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResults
- setGrant(GrantType) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlEntry
Sets the value of the grant property.
- setGroups(List<Id>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Identity
- setGroups(List<Id>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.RecipientPrincipals
- setIcon(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Sets the value of the icon property.
- setIcon(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.IconizedBucket
Sets the value of the icon property.
- setIcon(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValueWithIcon
Sets the value of the icon property.
- setIcon(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Answer
Définit la valeur de la propriété icon.
- setIcon(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
Sets the value of the icon property.
- setId(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.IdentifiableElement
Sets the value of the id property.
- setId(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.IdBasedContext
- setInline(Boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Sets the value of the inline property.
- setLang(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Sets the value of the lang property.
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.i18n.I18NLabel
Sets the value of the language property.
- setLanguages(List<String>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
- setLastname(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.User
Sets the value of the lastname property.
- setLastUpdateDate(Date) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Sets the value of the lastUpdateDate property.
- setMail(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Identity
Sets the value of the mail property.
- setMandatory(Boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Sets the value of the mandatory property.
- setMandatory(Boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Sets the value of the mandatory property.
- setMax(int) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
Sets the value of the max property.
- setMembers(List<String>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Group
- setMessage(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.notification.Notification
Sets the value of the message property.
- setMimeType(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.document.Document
Sets the value of the mimeType property.
- setMultivalued(Boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Sets the value of the multivalued property.
- setMultivalued(Boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Sets the value of the multivalued property.
- setMultivalued(Boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Sets the value of the multivalued property.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.SecurityObject
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Property
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ResultField
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Component
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tag
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Profile
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.NamedAggregation
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.NamedBucket
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrderClause
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.IdentityAttribute
Sets the value of the name property.
- setNested(List<Aggregation>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FieldAggregation
- setObjectId(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Sets the value of the objectId property.
- setObjects(List<T>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResults
- setObjectType(ObjectType) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Sets the value of the objectType property.
- setOperator(Operators) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion
Sets the value of the operator property.
- setOrder(int) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Sets the value of the order property.
- setOrder(int) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Sets the value of the order property.
- setOrder(int) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Sets the value of the order property.
- setOrderClauses(List<OrderClause>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
- setOrganisationalUnit(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
Sets the value of the organisationalUnit property.
- setOwner(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Sets the value of the owner property.
- setParentId(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.document.Document
Sets the value of the parentId property.
- setParticipants(List<String>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.User
Sets the value of the password property.
- setPattern(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
Sets the value of the pattern property.
- setPattern(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Sets the value of the pattern property.
- setPattern(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Sets the value of the pattern property.
- setPeople(People) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
Sets the value of the people property.
- setPermission(List<Permission>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlEntry
- setPhase(Phase) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.Context
- setPrincipal(List<String>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlEntry
- setPrincipals(List<String>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Profile
- setProcessInstance(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
Sets the value of the processInstance property.
- setProfiles(List<Id>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.report.LoginHistory
- setProfiles(List<Id>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Identity
- setProfiles(List<Id>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.RecipientPrincipals
- setProfiles(List<Profile>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.People
- setProperties(List<Property>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Profile
- setReadonly(Boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Sets the value of the readonly property.
- setReadonly(Boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Sets the value of the readonly property.
- setReadOnly(Boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tag
Sets the value of the readOnly property.
- setReason(List<AbstractBaseFaultType>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType.Reasons
- setReasons(AbstractBaseFaultType.Reasons) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Sets the value of the reasons property.
- setReasons(List<Reason>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswerDefinition
- setRecipients(RecipientPrincipals) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.StoredSearch
Sets the value of the recipients property.
- setReduced(Boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Sets the value of the reduced property.
- setReferences(List<ComponentReference>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder.Children
- setReferences(List<ComponentReference>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.notification.Notification
- setRequest(SearchRequest) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Bucket
Sets the value of the request property.
- setRequest(SearchRequest) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Search
Sets the value of the request property.
- setRequestId(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Sets the value of the requestId property.
- setRequired(Required) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Sets the value of the required property.
- setReservedComponents(List<ComponentReference>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.AuthenticatedUser
- setResults(List<SearchResult>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
- setRetentionDuration(DurationType) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Sets the value of the retentionDuration property.
- setRetentionEndDate(Date) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Sets the value of the retentionEndDate property.
- setRetentionStartDate(Date) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Sets the value of the retentionStartDate property.
- setRules(List<ACLRule>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLProxy
- setScope(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.AuthenticatedUser
Sets the value of the scope property.
- setSearchable(boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
Sets the value of the searchable property.
- setSearches(List<Search>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass.VirtualFolderClass
- setSelectClause(SelectClause) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
Sets the value of the selectClause property.
- setSeverity(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Sets the value of the severity property.
- setSize(long) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
Sets the value of the size property.
- setStart(int) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
Sets the value of the start property.
- setStart(Date) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Sets the value of the start property.
- setStartTaskClass(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
Sets the value of the startTaskClass property.
- setStatus(Status) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentData
Sets the value of the status property.
- setStyle(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
Sets the value of the style property.
- setSymbolicName(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValue
Sets the value of the symbolicName property.
- setSynopsis(List<I18NLabel>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
- setTagCategories(List<Id>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
- setTagFieldDefinitions(List<FieldDefinition>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.TagsDefinition
- setTagFieldNames(List<String>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.TagsDefinition
- setTagName(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Sets the value of the tagName property.
- setTagName(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
Sets the value of the tagName property.
- setTagReferences(List<TagReference>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
- setTags(Tags) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Component
Sets the value of the tags property.
- setTags(Tags) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Sets the value of the tags property.
- setTags(Tags) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswer
Définit la valeur de la propriété tags.
- setTags(List<Id>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
- setTags(List<Tag>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tags
- setTargetStatus(Status) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswerDefinition
Définit la valeur de la propriété targetStatus.
- setTaskClasses(List<Id>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
- setTechnical(boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Sets the value of the technical property.
- setTechnical(Boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Sets the value of the technical property.
- setTechnical(Boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Sets the value of the technical property.
- setTechnical(Boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Sets the value of the technical property.
- setTemplate(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.StoredSearch
Sets the value of the template property.
- setTerminationDate(Date) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Sets the value of the terminationDate property.
- setTerminator(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
Sets the value of the terminator property.
- setTimestamp(Date) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Sets the value of the timestamp property.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.notification.Notification
Sets the value of the title property.
- setToken(Token) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.AuthenticatedUser
Sets the value of the token property.
- setType(ReservationType) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(Types) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(Types) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrderClause
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(TagValueType) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
Sets the value of the type property.
- setUnit(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.DurationType
Sets the value of the unit property.
- setUpdatedFields(List<ResultField>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
- setUser(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.report.LoginHistory
Sets the value of the user property.
- setUser(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
Sets the value of the user property.
- setUser(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
Sets the value of the user property.
- setUsers(List<Id>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.RecipientPrincipals
- setValidityCode(ValidityCode) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Sets the value of the validityCode property.
- setValue(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Id
Sets the value of the value property.
- setValue(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.IdentifiableString
Sets the value of the value property.
- setValue(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Property
Sets the value of the value property.
- setValue(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ResultField
Sets the value of the value property.
- setValue(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.Digest
Sets the value of the value property.
- setValue(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.i18n.I18NLabel
Sets the value of the value property.
- setValue(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Token
Sets the value of the value property.
- setValue(BigInteger) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.DurationType
Sets the value of the value property.
- setValue(List<String>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tag
- setValues(List<String>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion
- setValues(List<String>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.IdentityAttribute
- setVersion(long) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentData
Sets the value of the version property.
- setVersion(BigInteger) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.document.Document
Sets the value of the version property.
- setVersioningMode(VersioningMode) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.VersionableComponentClass
Sets the value of the versioningMode property.
- setVersionLabel(String) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Version
Sets the value of the versionLabel property.
- setVersions(List<Item>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.VersionSeries2
- setVersions(List<Version>) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionSeries
- setVersionSeriesId(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Version
Sets the value of the versionSeriesId property.
- setVisible(Boolean) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Sets the value of the visible property.
- setWorkflow(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
Sets the value of the workflow property.
- setWorkflow(Id) - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
Sets the value of the workflow property.
- severity - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Type d'erreur: critical, error, warning
- size - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.DocumentFile
- start - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
The date at which starts the delegation
- start - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
- START - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- STARTS_WITH - com.flower.docs.domain.search.Operators
- startTaskClass - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
The identifier of task class used to start the workflow
- status - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentData
- Status - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.common
All possible status of an object <p>Java class for Status.
- STATUS - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- StoredSearch - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.search
Used to store component searches <p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- StoredSearch() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.StoredSearch
Default no-arg constructor abc
- StoredSearch(Id, Category, SearchRequest, List<I18NLabel>, String, Data, RecipientPrincipals) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.search.StoredSearch
Fully-initialising value constructor
- STRING - com.flower.docs.domain.search.Types
- STRING - com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagValueType
- style - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
- symbolicName - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValue
The symbolic name of a tag allowed value
- synopsis - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
- SYSTEM - com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.ReservationType
- SYSTEM_ADMIN - com.flower.docs.domain.security.Roles
The role for a system administrator
- T00000 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Generic technical error
- T00001 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Generic technical error displayed at GUI layer
- T00007 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
No ES node is available
- T00008 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
* Transaction cannot be authorized
- T00012 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Object cannot be marshaled into String through JAXB
- T00013 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
String cannot be unmarshaled into Object through JAXB
- T00101 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Components cannot be stored
- T00102 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Components cannot be updated
- T00103 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Components cannot be fetched
- T00104 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Components cannot be found
- T00105 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Components cannot be deleted
- T00106 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Components search exceed count limit
- T00107 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Version conflict during update
- T00108 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Components already exist with same ids
- T00201 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Component classes cannot be stored
- T00202 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Component classes cannot be updated
- T00203 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Component classes cannot be got
- T00205 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Component classes cannot be removed
- T00206 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Component classes cannot be found
- T00301 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Workflows cannot be stored
- T00302 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Workflows cannot be got
- T00303 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
All workflows cannot be got
- T00304 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Workflows cannot be updated
- T00305 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
The workflows cannot be deleted
- T00501 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Baskets cannot be added
- T00503 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
All baskets cannot be got
- T00602 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Scope cannot be got
- T00604 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Scope cannot be updated
- T00605 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Scope cannot be deleted
- T00701 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
File cannot be stored
- T00702 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Document files cannot be fetched
- T00703 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Document files cannot be deleted
- T00704 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
cannot be extracted from DocumentFile - T00705 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
No temporary file can be stored for uploaded children file
- T00707 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Temporary file does not exist
- T00708 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
File integrity violation
- T00709 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
File cannot be indexed
- T00801 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Tag classes cannot be stored
- T00803 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Tag classes cannot be got
- T00804 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
All tag classes cannot be got
- T00805 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Tag classes cannot be updated
- T00806 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Tag classes cannot be deleted
- T00851 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Tag categories cannot be stored
- T00853 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Tag categories cannot be got
- T00854 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
All tag categories cannot be got
- T00855 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Tag categories cannot be updated
- T00856 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Tag categories cannot be deleted
- T01001 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
ACL cannot be stored
- T01002 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
ACL cannot be got
- T01003 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
ACL cannot be updated
- T01005 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
ACL cannot be removed
- T01006 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
All ACLs cannot be got
- T01007 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
User could not be got
- T01008 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
User could not be created
- T01009 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
User could not be modified
- T01010 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Could not found users
- T01012 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Could not found user DN
- T01013 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Identity attribute could not be mapped
- T01014 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Token cannot be parsed due to invalid key
- T01015 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Token is expired
- T01016 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Password does not match LDAP domain password strategy
- T01017 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
LDAP action could not be performed within non-secure connection
- T01018 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
The user already exists
- T01019 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
The group already exists
- T01020 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Group could not be got
- T01021 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Group could not be created
- T01022 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Group could not be modified
- T01023 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Could not found users
- T01024 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Could not delete user
- T01025 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Could not delete group
- T01101 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Non parsable date
- T01102 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
- T01103 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Failed to download result search
- T01301 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Delegation cannot be stored
- T01302 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Delegation cannot be updated
- T01303 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Delegation cannot be got
- T01304 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Delegation cannot be removed
- T01401 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Labels from internal cannot be fetched
- T01501 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Content cannot be fetched for a search : id
- T01502 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Content cannot be fetched for category with id
- T01503 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Folder does not exist or is empty, its content cannot be exported
- T01504 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Could not convert file of document as PDF
- T01601 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Job identifier is invalid
- T01602 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Result of job cannot be get
- T01603 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
No job can be found for jobId
- T01789 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
- T01801 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Could not index document content for file of document
- T01802 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Could not de-index document content for file of document
- T01803 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Could not get document content for file of document
- T01901 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Could not extract document content for file of document.
- T01902 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Could not extract document content for file of document.
- T01903 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Could not extract document content for file of document
- T02001 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Could not create data masking for document
- T02002 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Annotation document id= have no content
- T02003 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Could not convert document content as annotation for document
- T02004 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Could not transform annotation for document=, annotation=
- T02005 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Could not serialize XFDF for annotation=
- T10102 - com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Part of components cannot be updated
- Tag - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.component
<p>Java class for Tag complex type.
- Tag() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tag
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Tag(List<String>, String, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tag
Fully-initialising value constructor
- TAG_CLASS - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- TAG_PREFIX - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- tagCategories - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Ids of tags used for this class
- TagCategory - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass
<p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- TagCategory() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Default no-arg constructor abc
- TagCategory(Id, List<I18NLabel>, List<Id>, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Fully-initialising value constructor
- TagClass - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass
<p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- TagClass() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
Default no-arg constructor abc
- TagClass(Id, Data, TagValueType, List<AllowedValue>, String, List<I18NLabel>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
Fully-initialising value constructor
- tagName - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
The id value of the referenced tag class
- tagName - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
The id value of the referenced tag class
- TagReference - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass
Reference to a usage of a tag in a component class <p>Java class for TagReference complex type.
- TagReference() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Default no-arg constructor abc
- TagReference(List<I18NLabel>, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, int, String) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Fully-initialising value constructor
- tagReferences - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
References of tags used for this class
- tags - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Component
- tags - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tags
- tags - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
The list of the tags for this category
- tags - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
- tags - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswer
- Tags - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.component
<p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- Tags() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tags
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Tags(List<Tag>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tags
Fully-initialising value constructor
- TAGS - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- TagsDefinition - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.component
- TagsDefinition() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.TagsDefinition
- TagValueType - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass
The type of tag value <p>Java class for TagValueType.
- targetStatus - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswerDefinition
The status to apply on the task at answer processing
- task() - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ReferenceBuilder
- Task - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.task
Flower component standing for a task <p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- Task() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Task(Id, ComponentData, Tags, Category, String, Id, Id, Id, String, List<String>, List<Attachment>, Answer, List<DocumentFile>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
Fully-initialising value constructor
- TASK - com.flower.docs.domain.component.Category
- TASK - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- TASK_CLASS - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- TaskClass - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass
Task class which defines a type of tasks <p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- TaskClass() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
Default no-arg constructor abc
- TaskClass(Id, Data, List<Id>, List<TagReference>, List<I18NLabel>, List<I18NLabel>, DurationType, Category, boolean, Boolean, String, List<AttachmentDefinition>, List<Answer>, Id, boolean) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
Fully-initialising value constructor
- taskClasses - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
The identifier of task class used to start the workflow
- TEAM - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- technical - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.ComponentClass
Determines if the component class is for a technical usage
- technical - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
- technical - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
Determines if the referenced tag class is for a technical usage
- technical - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
Determines if the attachment is technical.
- TECHNICAL - com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchContexts
- TechnicalBaseFaultType - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.exception
Technical exception type <p>Java class for TechnicalBaseFaultType complex type.
- TechnicalBaseFaultType() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalBaseFaultType
Default no-arg constructor abc
- TechnicalBaseFaultType(String, String, Date, String, String, String, String, AbstractBaseFaultType.Reasons) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalBaseFaultType
Fully-initialising value constructor
- TechnicalErrorCode - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.exception
- TechnicalException - Exception in com.flower.docs.domain.exception
Technical exception thrown on technical issue
- TechnicalException() - Constructor for exception com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalException
- TechnicalException(String) - Constructor for exception com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalException
- TechnicalException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalException
- TechnicalException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalException
- template - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.StoredSearch
- TEMPLATE - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- TERMINATION_DATE - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- terminationDate - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
- terminator - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
The user who terminated the delegation (reduced the end date)
- TERMINATOR - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- test() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.HashCodeHelper
- TEXT - com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagValueType
- timestamp - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType
Horodatage de l'erreur
- TIMESTAMP - com.flower.docs.domain.search.Types
- TimeUnit - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.common
Type of period : month, quarter, semester, year <p>Java class for TimeUnit.
- title - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.notification.Notification
- token - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.AuthenticatedUser
- Token - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.security
<p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- Token() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Token
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Token(String, Date) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Token
Fully-initialising value constructor
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlEntry
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.AccessControlList
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLConditionalRule
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.acl.ACLProxy
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.DurationType
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Id
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.IdentifiableString
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Property
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ResultField
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentData
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentReference
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Item
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tag
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tags
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Version
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionSeries
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.Context
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.IdBasedContext
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.delegation.Delegation
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.document.Document
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.documentclass.DocumentClass
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.AbstractBaseFaultType.Reasons
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalBaseFaultType
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalBaseFaultType
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.Digest
- toString() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder.Children
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folder.Folder
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.folderclass.FolderClass
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.i18n.I18NLabel
- toString() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.job.FlowerJobStatus
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.notification.Notification
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.report.LoginHistory
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.VersionSeries2
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.People
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Profile
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.scope.Scope
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.AndClause
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Bucket
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criteria
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.FieldAggregation
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.IconizedBucket
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.NamedAggregation
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.NamedBucket
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrClause
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrderClause
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.PartialBucket
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Search
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResponse
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResult
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchResults
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.SelectClause
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.StoredSearch
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.AuthenticatedUser
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Group
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.IdentityAttribute
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.RecipientPrincipals
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Token
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.User
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValue
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.AllowedValueWithIcon
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.ConditionalAllowedValue
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagReference
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Attachment
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Answer
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.AttachmentDefinition
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Reason
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswer
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswerDefinition
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolder.VirtualFolder
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass.VirtualFolderClass
- toString() - Method in class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
- type - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
The reservation type
- type - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion
- type - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.OrderClause
- type - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagClass
The value type of the tag
- TYPE - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- Types - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.search
<p>Java class for Types.
- unit - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.DurationType
- UNLOCK - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
- unmarshal(String) - Method in class org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Adapter1
- unmarshal(String) - Method in class org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Adapter2
- UPDATE - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- UPDATE - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
- UPDATE_CONTENT - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- UPDATE_SECURITY - com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- updatedFields - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
- URI - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- user - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Fact
- user - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.report.LoginHistory
- user - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.Reservation
The user for which the reservation has been created
- User - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.security
An identity of a user <p>Java class for User complex type.
- User() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.security.User
Default no-arg constructor abc
- User(Id, String, String, List<Id>, List<Id>, List<IdentityAttribute>, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.security.User
Fully-initialising value constructor
- USER - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- USER - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- USER - com.flower.docs.domain.security.Roles
The role for a simple user
- USER - com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagValueType
- users - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.RecipientPrincipals
- VALID - com.flower.docs.domain.common.ValidityCode
- VALIDITY_CODE - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- validityCode - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Data
Folder Creation date
- ValidityCode - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.common
<p>Java class for ValidityCode.
- value - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.DurationType
- value - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Id
- value - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.IdentifiableString
- value - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.Property
- value - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.common.ResultField
- value - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Tag
- value - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.file.Digest
The digest value
- value - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.i18n.I18NLabel
- value - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.Token
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.acl.GrantType
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.common.Status
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.common.TimeUnit
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.common.ValidityCode
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.component.Category
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionStrategy
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.VersioningMode
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.job.FlowerJobStatus
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.notification.NotificationType
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.ReservationType
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.search.Operators
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchContexts
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.search.Types
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.security.Roles
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagValueType
- value() - Method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Required
- VALUE - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.acl.GrantType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.common.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.common.TimeUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.common.ValidityCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.component.Category
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.Phase
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.VersioningMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.job.FlowerJobStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.notification.NotificationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.ReservationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.search.Operators
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchContexts
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.search.Types
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.security.Roles
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagValueType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Required
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion
- values - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.security.IdentityAttribute
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.acl.GrantType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.acl.Permission
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.common.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.common.TimeUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.common.ValidityCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.component.Category
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.Phase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.VersioningMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.exception.FunctionalErrorCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.exception.TechnicalErrorCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.job.FlowerJobStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.notification.NotificationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.ReservationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.search.Operators
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchContexts
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.search.Types
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.security.Roles
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.tagclass.TagValueType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.Required
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- VALUES - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- version - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ComponentData
Internal version used for concurrency
- version - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.document.Document
- Version - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.component
Version of a component <p>Java class for Version complex type.
- Version() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Version
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Version(Id, ComponentData, Tags, Category, String, Id, String, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Version
Fully-initialising value constructor
- VERSION - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.Action
- VERSION_LABEL - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- VERSION_SERIES_ID - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
- VersionableComponentClass - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass
A class of component which can be versioned <p>Java class for VersionableComponentClass complex type.
- VersionableComponentClass() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.VersionableComponentClass
Default no-arg constructor abc
- VersionableComponentClass(Id, Data, List<Id>, List<TagReference>, List<I18NLabel>, List<I18NLabel>, DurationType, Category, boolean, Boolean, VersioningMode) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.VersionableComponentClass
Fully-initialising value constructor
- versioningMode - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.VersionableComponentClass
The versioning mode
- VersioningMode - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass
Defines how the versioning should be handled <p>Java class for VersioningMode.
- versionLabel - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Version
Label of the version which changes each time a new version is created
- versions - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionSeries
All versions of component
- versions - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.VersionSeries2
- VersionSeries - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.component
Version series of a component <p>Java class for VersionSeries complex type.
- VersionSeries() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionSeries
Default no-arg constructor abc
- VersionSeries(Id, List<Version>, Category) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.component.VersionSeries
Fully-initialising value constructor
- VersionSeries2 - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.reservation
Version series of a component <p>Java class for VersionSeries2 complex type.
- VersionSeries2() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.VersionSeries2
Default no-arg constructor abc
- VersionSeries2(Id, List<Item>, Category) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.reservation.VersionSeries2
Fully-initialising value constructor
- versionSeriesId - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.Version
Identifier of version series
- VersionStrategy - Enum in com.flower.docs.domain.component
Label strategy for document version <p>Java class for VersionStrategy.
- vFolder() - Static method in class com.flower.docs.domain.component.ReferenceBuilder
- VIRTUAL_FOLDER - com.flower.docs.domain.component.Category
- VIRTUAL_FOLDER - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- VIRTUAL_FOLDER - com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchContexts
- VIRTUAL_FOLDER_CLASS - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- VirtualFolder - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolder
Flower component standing for a virtual folder <p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- VirtualFolder() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolder.VirtualFolder
Default no-arg constructor abc
- VirtualFolder(Id, ComponentData, Tags, Category, String, List<Id>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolder.VirtualFolder
Fully-initialising value constructor
- VirtualFolderClass - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass
Virtual folder class which defines a type of virtual folders <p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- VirtualFolderClass() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass.VirtualFolderClass
Default no-arg constructor abc
- VirtualFolderClass(Id, Data, List<Id>, List<TagReference>, List<I18NLabel>, List<I18NLabel>, DurationType, Category, boolean, Boolean, List<Search>, List<Id>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.virtualfolderclass.VirtualFolderClass
Fully-initialising value constructor
- visible - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.componentclass.TagCategory
Determines if the tag is visible or not
- WAIT - com.flower.docs.domain.job.FlowerJobStatus
- workflow - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.task.Task
The id of the workflow to which the task belongs
- workflow - Variable in class com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.TaskClass
The workflow identifier for this class
- Workflow - Class in com.flower.docs.domain.workflow
Process composed of several tasks classes <p>Java class for anonymous complex type.
- Workflow() - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
Default no-arg constructor abc
- Workflow(Id, Data, List<I18NLabel>, List<I18NLabel>, String, Id, List<Id>) - Constructor for class com.flower.docs.domain.workflow.Workflow
Fully-initialising value constructor
- WORKFLOW - com.flower.docs.domain.fact.ObjectType
- WORKFLOW_ID - com.flower.docs.domain.FlowerFields
A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W YAll Classes All Packages