Hook test


In order for theOperationHook to be notified each time a document is created, a subscription must be defined:

  • Go to the Administration > Configuration > Operations subscriptions section
  • Click on the + button to create a new subscription

In the subscription creation form, fill in the following fields:

  • OperationHandler: enter the hook’s HTTP URL (e.g. http://localhost:7777/modify).
  • Execution phase: select the Before phase so that the name change is applied before the document is persisted
  • Action: to react to a creation, select the Create action
  • Object ype: choose the Document type
  • Activated: tick the checkbox to activate your subscription
  • Authorization: fill in the BASIC authorisation string using Blitter from the user defined in the application.properties file (example: Basic dG90bzoxMjM0)

Finally, confirm the creation of the subscription.


In order to test that theOperationHook implemented is operational:

  • create a document by the means of your choice (e.g. via the admin console)
  • open the created document

IfOperationHook has been configured correctly, the creation timestamp has been added to the name of the document created.

If the name has not been changed, check thatOperationHook has been started and is accessible from FlowerDocs Core. If this is the case, check the logs for more details.