Minimum configuration

Access to FlowerDocs

To inject Fast2 documents into FlowerDocs, you need to :

  • add a task to the map FlowerDocInjector
  • define the flowerDocConnectionProvider property with a FlowerDocConnectionProvider class object, then the properties:

    • login, the service account identifier used to authenticate to FlowerDocs
    • password, the service account password used to authenticate to FlowerDocs
    • scope, the identifier of the scope into which the documents are to be injected
    • endPoint, the URL used to access FlowerDocs web services (example: http://localhost:8080/flower-docs-ws/services)
  • define a property propertyHelper with a class object

Ignore certain properties

When integrating this task into a Fast2 process, documents may not be injected because they have a tag that is not referenced in the document class.

In fact, FlowerDocs refuses the creation of documents that are not valide. If these non-referenced tags are introduced by technical properties used in the Fast2 process, it is possible to exclude certain properties during the injection process. To do this, edit the ignoredData property.