Stamp templates

Collaborate on documents using annotations.


Stamp templates are used to define the stamps a user can create. They can be of two types:

  • textual: based on a character string
  • image: based on an image (encoded using the base64 format)

A stamp template is stored as a catalogue in a document of class UserPreference with the following tags:

  • UserPreferenceType with STAMP value
  • User with the value of the identity to which the stamp template is shared

By user

Users create their own stamp templates via their preferences (accessible by clicking on their avatar). New stamp templates are stored and can be accessed after refreshing the viewer in the annotations menu.

The User tag is filled in with the identifier of the user creating the template. Only this user can access the template.

By team

Administrators set up stamp templates that are accessible to a team of users. The Configuration > Stamps section in the administration console lets them add the XML configuration needed to create stamp templates.

The User tag is filled in with the identifier of the team of users who can use the template created.

A catalog of default stamp templates can be enabled by adding the gui.client.arender.enable.default.stamps=true property to the file.