Hidden request

For each search form, a search request can be set up that is hidden and therefore not visible to users.

This request allows you to:

  • add hidden criteria
  • configure the columns to be displayed
  • set default sorting
  • set the number of results to be displayed

The ComponentSearchPresenter object accepts a hiddenRequest property with a com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest class bean.


<bean id="monFormulaire" class="com.flower.docs.gui.client.search.ComponentSearchPresenter"
		<!-- ... -->
		<property name="hiddenRequest">
			<bean class="com.flower.docs.domain.search.SearchRequest">
				<property name="selectClause">
					<bean class="com.flower.docs.domain.search.SelectClause">
						<property name="fields">
								<!-- Colonnes à afficher -->
				<property name="filterClauses">
						<bean class="com.flower.docs.domain.search.AndClause">
							<!-- Critères masqués -->
							<property name="criteria">
									<bean class="com.flower.docs.domain.search.Criterion">
										<property name="name" value="classid" />
										<property name="type">
											<value type="com.flower.docs.domain.search.Types">STRING</value>
										<property name="operator">
											<value type="com.flower.docs.domain.search.Operators">EQUALS_TO</value>
										<property name="values">
				<!-- Nombre de résultats à afficher -->
				<property name="max" value="42" />
		<!-- ... -->

In some cases, it may be necessary to add tags to the selectClause of the hidden request in order to retrieve the values of a tag without the column being visible. This can be achieved by adding the hiddenColumns property to the ComponentSearchPresenter object, as shown below:

<property name="hiddenColumns">

  • We recommend using the notion of hidden requests to simplify access to components, rather than to secure access to them.
  • Add the ADD_FILTERS_TO_SELECT criterion with the true value in the request contexts to display the criteria filled in as columns.