
The different types of tabs

URL-based tabs

To enhance integration with other information system applications, FlowerDocs lets you add URL-based tabs to the graphical user interface.

To add a new tab of this type, simply add the following property to the relevant user profile: tab.url=<libellé>(<URL>,<icône>)

Configure an icon and tab name by setting a property such as: Viewer(,fa fa-map)

Folder-based tabs

FlowerDocs lets you define new tabs based on folders (physical or virtual).

The principle consists in displaying a screen divided in two:

  • sidebar: presents the various hierarchical aggregations (e.g. documents by validation status)
  • content: presents referenced components in sortable tabular form (e.g. documents of a given status)

To add a new tab, simply add the following property to the relevant user profile:

  • tab.folder=<identifiant du dossier physique>
  • tab.virtualfolder=<identifiant du dossier virtuel>

The name of the tab displayed in the HMI corresponds to the name of the folder.

The security of these tabs is ensured by the ACL carried by the folder.

Configure an icon and the name of the internationalized tab by setting a property such as: MyTab(icon=fa fa-thermometer-2,fr=Dossier,en=Folder)

Search-based tabs

Search-based tabs allow you to dynamically define tabs corresponding to a physical or virtual folder. After configuring a search for a user team, users see the folders found displayed as a tab.

The search mentioned above must be defined in a GUIConfiguration class document and then associated with a team by adding the tab.component.resolve= <nom de la recherche> property.

Search example

<bean id="agentFolderSearch" class="">
  <property name="category">
    <value type="">FOLDER</value>
  <property name="request">
    <bean class="">
      <property name="selectClause">
        <bean class="">
          <property name="fields">
      <property name="filterClauses">
          <bean class="">
            <property name="criteria">
                <bean class="">
                  <property name="name" value="classid" />
                  <property name="type">
                    <value type="">STRING</value>
                  <property name="operator">
                    <value type="">EQUALS_TO</value>
                  <property name="values">
      <property name="max" value="1" />

Tab order

The order of all tabs can be redefined for each team. To define the order of a team’s tabs, add the tabs.order property.

The value of this property must be defined as follows: ${TabType1}(${TabName1});${TabType2}(${TabName2}); where ${TabType#} = tab type and ${TabName#} = tab name

The tab type can take on the following values:

Value Description
NATIVE FlowerDocs native tab
FOLDER Folder-based tab
VIRTUALFOLDER Virtual folder-based tab
URL URL-based tab
RESOLVED_COMPONENT Search-based tab(s)

The value of a tab name depends on its type:

Type Name
FOLDER Folder identifier
VIRTUALFOLDER Virtual folder identifier
URL URL of the tab defined in the tab.url property
RESOLVED_COMPONENT Search identifier defined in the tab.component.resolve property

For native tabs, the name can take on the following values:

Value Description
ADMIN Administration tab
HOME Home tab
INSERT Insert tab
REPORTING Reporting tab
SEARCH Search tab

Please note: All tabs to be displayed must be defined in advance.

Example: The following example displays the tabs in the following order Administration, URL tab “", Virtual folder tab “root”, Folder tab “Arondor-2020”.

The last three tabs must first be defined in the properties tab.url, tab.virtualfolder and tab.folder: