Indexing form

Configure indexing forms

Indexing views are composed of two parts:

  • component details (metadata, etc.)
  • component content (ARender viewer, results table, etc.)

To add a configuration, first define the componentActivityConfigurations bean and save the configuration, contained in the ComponentActivityConfiguration object, according to the context:


<bean id="componentActivityConfigurations" class="">
	<property name="activityConfigurations">
					<ref bean="documentModifyContext" />
				<bean class="">
					<!-- Custom configuration for document modifications -->

General configuration

  • leftPanelWidthRatio: defines the ratio occupied by the left panel (value between 0.1f and 1.0f)
  • goBackAfterSave: determines whether or not the user should be redirected after saving a component (including when applying a response to a task)

Task creation

  • saveBeforeTaskCreation: determines whether the component should be saved before a task is created from it
  • saveAfterTaskCreation: determines whether the component should be saved after a task has been created from it
  • allowTaskCreationIfInvalid: determines whether it is possible to create a task from an invalid component (if this is the case and save before/after is enabled, then the status is set to INVALID)


  • showSaveConfirmationBeforeGo: defines the display of a save confirmation popup when a modified component is removed from the index.
    If the value is false:
    • the confirmation popup displayed is a confirmation popup to cancel modifications
    • showCancelConfirmation is false, no confirmation popup is displayed


  • showSaveConfirmationBeforeGo: defines the display of a save confirmation popup when a modified component is removed from the index.
  • excludedClassesFromSaveConfirmRule: excludes component classes from the rule defined by showSaveConfirmation
    • If the showSaveConfirmation value is true, then modifying a component of a class present in this list will not result in the display of a confirmation popup.


  • showCancelConfirmation: defines whether or not to display a confirmation popup if modifications are cancelled when indexing a component
  • excludedClassesFromCancelConfirmRule: excludes component classes from the rule defined by showCancelConfirmation
    • If the showCancelConfirmation value is true, then cancelling modifications to a component of a class present in this list will not result in the display of a confirmation popup.

Specific configuration


  • minFilesUpload: the minimum number of files to upload for a document
  • maxFilesUpload: maximum number of files to upload for a document

Virtual folder

  • useAlternativeView: allows results to be displayed as a list rather than in the viewer

The search associated with a class of virtual folders can be overridden to hide columns or add criteria.

The identifier associated with the search bean of a DossierVirtuel virtual folder class is contentDossiervirtualVirtualFolder.


  • allowInvalidSaving: defines whether the component can be saved despite the invalidity of its data


<bean id="componentActivityConfigurations" class="">
	<property name="activityConfigurations">
					<ref bean="documentModifyContext" />
				<bean class="">
					<property name="leftPanelWidthRatio" value="0.65f" />
					<property name="showSaveConfirmation" value="true"/>
					<property name="excludedClassesFromSaveConfirmRule">
							<bean class="">
								<property name="value" value="MyClassId"/>