
This type of metric is only available when using the OpenSearch connector.

User connection history is maintained and can be queried on the endpoint /rest/metrics/profiles:

  • by user profile (or team)
  • by date range

These metrics provide information on users who have logged in for a particular profile. To obtain these metrics, you need the ADMIN role.

  • /rest/metrics/profiles/{profile}: Lists the connections for a given profile
  • /rest/metrics/profiles/{profile}/count: Counts connections for a given profile

This endpoint requires authentication, which must be provided by a user token:

  • via a token parameter in the URL
  • via an HTTP token header
Parameter Description
start Optional parameter for indicating the start of the date range to be measured.
By default, this parameter is set to 24 hours before the end of the date range. timestamp
end Optional parameter for specifying the end of the date range to be measured.
By default, this parameter is valued at the present time. timestamp


GET /core/rest/metrics/profiles/ALL_USERS?token=<token>