
Authenticate users to a company directory

Directory configuration

This section describes the configuration of the company directory.

An administrator account must be set up to perform the following actions:

  • user search
  • user recovery
  • authentication
  • etc.

Directory type

To configure access to the company directory, you need to identify the type of access required:

  • simple: Simple LDAP such as Apache Directory Server or OpenLDAP
  • ad: Microsoft Active Directory
  • ad-ds: Microsoft ADLDS

Directory definition by scope

This section covers the configuration of a scope-specific directory. This is the most flexible configuration mode.

Directory configuration is accessible from the administration interface in the Identities > Directory section, and is stored as a document in the LDAPConfiguration class in FlowerDocs.

The information to be configured is as follows:

Identifier Display name Description
LDAPType LDAP type Directory type
URL URL Directory access url
User User User to connect to the directory
Password Password Password for directory user
BaseDN Base DN DN configured in the directory
IdAttribute Attribute for identifier Directory attribute used to store the user identifier
GroupIdAttribute Attribute for group identifier Directory attribute used to store the group identifier
DisplayNameAttribute Display name attribute Directory attribute used to store the user’s display name
SearchAttribute Search attribute Directory attribute used to search for users/groups
MembersAttribute Members Directory attribute used to store group members
EnableLowerCaseOfUserName Enable evaluation of lower case identifier Enables you to force the resolution of user identifiers in lower case

Default directory definition

This section covers the configuration of a default directory for a FlowerDocs instance.

This section is not necessary if the directory is configured via the scope-based administration interface described above. The directory type can then be defined by WEB application:

  • For FlowerDocs GUI using the property: gui.ldap.type
  • For FlowerDocs Core using the property: ws.ldap.type

Example: Configuring an embedded server


To configure access to the LDAP directory, you need to set the ldap property.

Property Default value Description
ldap.bind.url Directory address
ldap.bind.root Base node in LDAP structure
ldap.base.dn User search database

An admnistrator account must be set up.

Property Description
ldap.bind.dn User’s Distinguished Name
ldap.bind.password User’s password

In order to retrieve (or authenticate) users with the configured directory, you must also define:

Property Description Attribute used to retrieve a user’s identifier


  • Microsoft Active Directory : sAMAcountName
  • Microsoft Active Directory LDS: uid
  • Apache Directory Server: uid

Other attributes used for user mapping can be defined:

Property Description Attribute used to retrieve a user’s identifier
ldap.attr.password Attribute used to retrieve a user’s password

Configuration examples




OpenLDAP requires that the base DN used


Directory administration

From the administration interface, users can be created with a default password. For this, the password is not mandatory, but is a global parameter for the FlowerDocs instance.

Property Description
ldap.default.password Default password if none set at creation
ldap.user.password.mandatory Boolean defining if the password field is mandatory

Users and groups can only be created at the root of the directory access node.

Example: For Microsoft Active Directory: <domaine>/<base DN>