
Condition the lists associated with your tags according to context.

The CONDITIONAL type is used to define conditions on the various choices (or sets of choices) offered to the user in indexing or search forms.


ConditionalAllowedValue supporting multiple conditions can be defined for a given choice. In this case, all that’s needed is for one condition to be satisfied for the user to be offered a choice.

Tag conditions

Conditions can relate to the tags of a component or a search form. They consist of an identifier, an operator and a value.

To identify the tag to which the condition applies, you need to use a character string of the type ${tags.<tag_id>} where <tag_id> is the tag identifier.

For tags, the operators == or != can be used to indicate the presence or non-presence of a value, respectively.

Typically, the different types of conditions supported for tags are as follows:

  • ${tags.<tag_id>}==X: Existing tag containing (at least) the value X
  • ${tags.<tag_id>}!=X: Tag does not exist or does not contain the value indicated by X

These conditions apply only to tags displayed in the indexing or search form.

Please note that a conditional tag can only be defined on two levels. Only the first level includes ConditionalAllowedValue tags, the lower level only includes allowedValues tags. In addition, the symbolicName of each allowedValues tag must be unique.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TagClass xmlns="" xmlns:ns4="">

    <ns2:allowedValues xsi:type="ns2:ConditionalAllowedValue" symbolicName="SERVICE" xmlns:xsi="">
	    <ns2:allowedValues symbolicName="NA">
	        <ns2:displayNames language="EN">
	            <ns3:value>--Undefined department--</ns3:value>
	        <ns2:displayNames language="FR">
	            <ns3:value>--Service indéfini--</ns3:value>
	    <ns2:allowedValues symbolicName="ERROR">
	        <ns2:displayNames language="EN">
	        <ns2:displayNames language="FR">
