Tag references

Tag your components by referencing tags on a component class.

A tag referenced to a component class can be characterized by the following parameters:

  • Mandatory: indicates whether a value is mandatory for validation
  • Technical: indicates whether the user has access to this tag
  • Read-only: indicates whether or not the user can modify the tag value
  • Multivalued: indicates whether or not the tag can have several values
  • Default value: the default value when the tag is not filled in
  • A validation mask (regular expression): if defined, overrides the one defined in the tag class
  • Display order
  • A description to display a tooltip

The default value is set by FlowerDocs Core only at the time of creation: if the tag value is emptied, the default value will not be set.
On creation, the default value is set if the tag is non-mandatory and not present. If it is non-mandatory with an empty value, then the empty value is set.
On the GUI side, the default value is set when the component creation form is opened.

Default value

Default values are only valid at creation: if the tag value is empty, the default value will not be set.

Variables can be used as default values:

  • ${dayDate}: the current date
  • ${user.id}: the identifier of the connected user