Component selection

Offer users a library of models


The SelectComponentPlugin makes it easy for users to select a component corresponding to a set of criteria. The criteria defined are used to execute a component search, the results of which are displayed in a selection popup.


Possible options

Key Type Description
icon String Selection popup icon
title String Selection popup title
description String Description displayed in selection popup header
category String Component category to search (default: DOCUMENT)
criteria Table List of search criteria
fieldToDisplay String Field used to display a component (default: name)
callback Function Function called after the selection validation

new SelectComponentPlugin({
  'title': 'My title',
  'description': 'Select a component',
  'callback': (id, label) => { console.log('selected document: ' + id) }

var criterion = new Criterion();

new SelectComponentPlugin({
  'icon': 'fa fa-folder',
  'title': 'My title',
  'description': 'Select a folder',
  'category': 'FOLDER',
  'criteria': [criterion],
  'callback': (id, label) => { console.log('selected folder: ' + id) }

Model selection

Based on the SelectComponentPlugin plugin, the SelectTemplatePlugin plugin offers users a library of document templates. By defining the type of model to be proposed, users can select the model to be used from the library.

new SelectTemplatePlugin({
  'type': 'MSWord',
  'callback': function(id, label){
    new DownloadWordPlugin({'template': id, 'filename': label}).download();