Attachment action

Actions on a task attachment


Attachment plugins allow an action to be added to the configured attachment insert. This action allows to attach a component to the task, enabling it to be viewed in the viewer.

Several attachment plugins are thus available:

  • SearchAttachmentPlugin
  • TemplateAttachmentPlugin
  • CreateHTMLAttachmentPlugin

A plugin for viewing attachment metadata is also available.

The constructors of these plugins accept a collection of options enabling them to be configured.

new SearchAttachmentPlugin({
    '<option name>': <option value>

The following options are common to the various attachment plugins:

Key Type Description
attachmentId String Attachment definition identifier
title String Action title (title of the selection popup in the case of SearchAttachmentPlugin)
icon String Action Icon (Icon of the selection popup in the case of SearchAttachmentPlugin)
postProcessor Function Function called after attaching the attachment
canAttach Function Function defining when the action must be present


The plugin SearchAttachmentPlugin adds a search action to an attachment insert. This action opens a popup allowing you to select, from the results of a search, a component to be added as a task attachment.

Key Type Description
template String Identifier of the search form to be displayed in the selection popup (default: DefaultSearch)
category String Component category to search (default: DOCUMENT)
criteria Table Search list of criteria

new SearchAttachmentPlugin({
    attachmentId: '<AttachmentId>',
    title: 'Search for an attachment',
    postProcessor: function(component){'Component has been attached: ', component.getId());

var criterion = new Criterion();

new SearchAttachmentPlugin({
    attachmentId: '<AttachmentId>',
    title: 'Search for an attachment',
    criteria: [criterion],
    category: 'DOCUMENT’,
    postProcessor: function(component){'Component has been attached: ', component.getId());


The plugin TemplateAttachmentPlugin adds an action for attaching a document generated from a Microsft Word template. By default, the plugin opens the template in FlowerDocs Companion, if installed on the user workstation. If this is not the case, or if download mode is enabled, then the generated document is downloaded.

Key Type Description
downloadMode Boolean Indicates whether the created document should be downloaded
instanciator Function Function for programmatically indexing the component


This plugin allows you to view the data in the attachment without changing its location. The data to be visualized is opened in an OffMenu.

Key Type Description
over Boolean Indicates whether the WEBEditor should be displayed on top of the current page

The plugin’s OffMenu is closed when it is relocated.