
Manage navigation between different screens

FlowerDocs uses a placeholder mechanism to define the activity (or screen) the user is currently viewing in the URL. The fact that this placeholder is carried by the URL means that users can :

  • refresh their browser while remaining in the same context
  • navigate through browser history (Previous and Next buttons)


To control these functions via the JS API, a navigation API is provided:

var navigationJSAPI = JSAPI.get().getNavigationAPI();

Function Description
reload() Allows you to reload the current space without confirmation
goBack(confirmation) Returns to previous position
- confirmation: Boolean to deactivate confirmation at change of place if there are unsaved modifications
goToComponentPlace(category, identifiant, confirmation) Redirects the user to the component modification screen, providing :
- identifiant : identifiant du composant à ouvrir
- confirmation: Boolean to deactivate confirmation at change of place if there are unsaved modifications
goTo(place, confirmation) Redirects the user to a seat
- place : identifiant de la place à ouvrir
- confirmation: Boolean to deactivate confirmation at change of place if there are unsaved modifications

It is possible to redirect the user to a place built from different tokens.
Example : Redirect to a task creation screen GEC_Step0_Creation

var navigationJSAPI = JSAPI.get().getNavigationAPI();
var placeToken = 'storeTask(GEC_Step0_Creation)';

The Navigation API also allows you to override the default location (defined at profile level). To do this, you can subscribe to its opening via the registerForPlaceChange(callback) function

Example : Override the default placeholder with the search form pliSearch

var navigationJSAPI = JSAPI.get().getNavigationAPI();
navigationJSAPI.registerForPlaceChange(function(placeToken, callback){

Current place

Thanks to the Navigation API, it is also possible to retrieve the current place and its characteristics using the getWherePlace() method.

var navigationJSAPI = JSAPI.get().getNavigationAPI();
var place = navigationJSAPI.getWherePlace();

This object exposes the following methods:

Function Description
getWhereId() To obtain the identifier of the current place
getPlaceType() Used to obtain the type of the current place: HomePlace, SearchPlace, BrowsePlace, ModifyVirtualFolderPlace, ModifyFolderPlace, ReportingPlace , AdminPlace
getSelectedLeaf() Displays the selected aggregation in the virtual folder
getOpenedItems() Retrieves the tree structure open in the virtual folder
getTemplate() Retrieves the selected search pattern
getRequest() Retrieves the query executed in searches and virtual folders (visible in the URL)
getSearchDisplayMode() Recovers the search display mode : CARD or TABLE
getVirtualFolderMode() Recovers the display mode of the virtual folder : VIEWER or AGGREGATION
isAdminPlace() Indicates whether the page is on the administration side