
Consuming FlowerDocs services from the JS API

This section describes how to consume services exposed by FlowerDocs directly from the JS API.

Access to a component service

Like the service layer, a service is provided for each component category:

  • Document: JSAPI.get().document()
  • Folder: JSAPI.get().folder()
  • Virtual folder: JSAPI.get().virtualFolder()
  • Task: JSAPI.get().task()

These services consume the SOAP web services exposed by FlowerDocs Core, so their use implies the application of the same consistency and security controls.

Each function exposed by these services accepts two function-type parameters:

  • successCallback: a callback executed on success
  • errorCallback: an optional callback executed in the event of an error

Creating components

After instantiating a [component] object (/en/documentation/apis/jsapi/mcd/components/) and initialized it, it can be created in FlowerDocs using the appropriate service. Component services expose the function create(components, successCallback, errorCallback). The first parameter of this function is an array of the components to be created. The successCallback parameter is a function called asynchronously in the event of successful creation, with the array of components created as parameter. The third parameter errorCallback is an optional function executed if an error occurs.

var FOLDER = new Folder();
folder.setName(My Folder');
JSAPI.get().folder().create([folder], function (created) {'The folder ' + created[0].getName() + ' has been created');
}, function(error){

Recovering components

A component service is used to retrieve stored components from the services exposed by FlowerDocs Core. The first parameter ids to be supplied is an array of component identifiers to be retrieved. The other two function-type parameters can be supplied to react respectively to the success and error of the operation.

JSAPI.get().document().get([id], function (documents) {'The document ' + documents[0].getName() + ' has been recovered');
}, function(error){

A component can also be retrieved dynamically according to its category:

var reference = new ComponentReference(id, 'DOCUMENT');
JSAPI.get().getComponentGetAPI().getComponent(reference.getCategory(), reference.getId(), function (doc) {'The document ' + doc.getName() + ' has been recovered');
}, function(error){

Find components

Components can be searched using component services and a SearchRequest supplied as a parameter to the function search(request, successCallback, errorCallback).

The successCallback parameter is a function called once the search has been successful, with the table of results found in accordance with the query supplied. Optionally, the errorCallback function can be passed as a parameter to react to any error.

Updating components

Just as component services can be used to create components, they can also be used to update components. To do this, the update(components, successCallback, errorCallback) function is exposed. It is used in the same way as the create function.

JSAPI.get().document().get([id], function (documents) {
    JSAPI.get().document().update([documents[0]], function (updated) {'The document ' + updated[0].getName() + ' has been updated');

Delete components

To physically (or permanently) remove components, the doDelete(ids, successCallback, errorCallback) function is available. The first parameter ids to be supplied is an array of the identifiers of the components to be removed. The other two function-type parameters can be supplied to react respectively to the success and error of the operation.

Please note this operation is irreversible and should therefore be used with caution.

JSAPI.get().document().doDelete([id], function () {'The document ' + id + ' has been permanently deleted');