Documents & their files

Manipulating documents in JavaScript

Handling files

In addition to the tags associated with a document, files can be associated with it. The JS API enables them to be manipulated through various consultation or modification functions.

File access

From a Document object, the getDocumentFiles() function reveals an array of DocumentFile objects from which the following functions can be used:

Functions Description
getId() File identifier recovery
setId(String id) File identifier definition
getName() File name retrieval
setName(String name) File name definition
getFormatCode() File format retrieval
setFormatCode(String formatCode) File format definition
getCreationDate() Retrieving the file creation date

var doc = formAPI.getComponent();
doc.getDocumentFiles().forEach(function(file){'The document has file: '+file.getId());

JSAPI.get().document().getFiles(component.getId(), function(files){
    files.forEach(function(file){'The document has file: '+file.getId());

File identifiers can also be retrieved from a document using the getFiles() function.

Files modification

The list of files in a Document object can be initialised or modified using the JS API. To achieve this, the functions addFile(tempFileId) or setFiles(tempFileIds) can be used. Changes made to the object will only be taken into account when a document is created.

function createDocument(tempFileId, callback){
    var doc = new Document();
    doc.setName('My document');
function uploadTextFile(text, callback){
    var formData = new FormData();
    formData.append('file', new File([new Blob([text])], 'my-file.txt'));
        url: './upload',
        data: formData,
        processData: false,
        contentType: false,
        type: 'POST',
        success: function (data) {

uploadTextFile('Some text content', (tempFileId)=>{
        JSAPI.get().getNavigationAPI().goToComponentPlace(doc.getCategory(), doc.getId(), false);


If version management (or versioning) is enabled for a document, information about its different versions can be consulted using the following functions:

Functions Description
getVersionSeriesId() Retrieving the VersionSeries identifier
getVersionLabel() Retrieving the label of the current version
isCurrentVersion() Determines whether the document is the current version