
Manipulating component in JavaScript

The components are the main objects used by FlowerDocs. Thanks to the JS API, they can be manipulated by scripts to meet specific needs in the development of vertical solutions.

Component instantiation

Each category of component can be manipulated using the JS API through a specific object. The following constructors can be used to instantiate a component:

var newDocument = new Document();
var newTask = new Task();
var newFolder = new Folder();
var newVFolder = new VirtualFolder();

Each of these objects has its own functions:

  • common to all components
  • specific to a component category

Access to internal information

Several pieces of information are maintained by the FlowerDocs platform for internal purposes. Depending on the information, the following functions are available to access or modify it (when modification is authorised):

Functions Description
getId() Component identifier retrieval
setId(String id) Definition of component identifier
getName() Component name retrieval
setName(String name) Component name definition
setClassId(String name) Component class definition
getClassId() Component class identifier retrieval
String getCategory() Category recovery
getACL() Retrieving the ACL referenced by the component
setACL(String aclId) Definition of the ACL to be applied
getStatus() Component status retrieval
setStatus(String status) Component status definition (see Javadoc)
getVersion() Component version retrieval
setVersion(long version) Component version definition
getCreationDate() Retrieving the component creation date
getLastUpdateDate() Retrieving the component update date
getOwner() Component owner retrieval

Tags management

The tags of a component can be manipulated via the JS API using several functions. The getTags() function can be used to determine the tags already present on a component by returning an array containing the names of each of the component’s tags.

Adding or modifying a tag

To add a tag to a component, use the addTag(name, value, readonly) function. The second parameter value can be a character string or an array of strings to define multiple values.

Using this function for a tag already present on the component overwrites existing values. It can be used to modify tag values.

The third parameter readonly is a Boolean indicating whether the tag should be displayed as read-only or not.

Tag recovery

To access the values of a tag present on a component, the functions getTagValue(name) and getTagValues(name) are exposed on the component object. The first returns the first value of a tag (character string), while the second returns an array containing all the values of a tag.

Retrieving the value of a tag on a task

var task = new Task();
task.addTag("Amount", "1234", false);
if(task.getTags().includes("Amount")){'The amount is ' + task.getTagValue("Amount"));