
Offer dynamic lists to enrich data in FLowerDocs.

A lookup involves retrieving data from a third-party or other repository, and building dynamic lists of values. This mechanism enhances the user experience and enriches the data stored or retrieved through FlowerDocs.

This functionality is based on the notion of plug-ins, which can be used to execute different types of calls/queries (database, web services, etc.).

Lookup plugins

Example :

A lookup plugin can be defined in JavaScript using the API provided. To do this, you need to instantiate a LookupPlugin object, as shown in the example below. A plugin of this type has a LookupHandler called when the lookup is executed to provide FlowerDocs with a list of matching results.

var lookupPlugin = new LookupPlugin();
lookupPlugin.setLookupHandler(function(fieldName, fieldValue, callback){
	var results = new Array();

Each plugin must then be made available to the application. The snipet below shows how to register the plugin where lookupId corresponds to the lookup name.

var lookupAPI = JSAPI.get().getLookupAPI();
lookupAPI.register("lookupId", lookupPlugin);

Using a lookup

Lookups stored in the application can be used in a variety of ways, depending on your needs.

Dynamic call

Here’s the code for executing a lookup:

Example : Executing a lookup SampleLookup

JSAPI.get().getLookupAPI().lookup("SampleLookup" ,"BusinessReference", "ref123", function(results) {
	// Using lookup results

The results object is an array of LookupResult objects exposing the methods:

Functions Description
getKey() Retrieves the key of a result (i.e. symbolic name)
getValue() Retrieves the value or label of a result

In this example, we execute the LookupPlugin whose identifier is SampleLookup with the tag name and value as parameters. By reacting to the modification of its value, it is then possible to modify the list of proposed values according to the user’s input.

In these examples, the SampleLookup lookup is used to suggest values for the Amount tag, (either as a suggestion or as a closed list).

Example : Suggested value for a tag

formAPI.registerForFieldChange(Amount", function(fieldName, fieldValue) {			
	JSAPI.get().getLookupAPI().lookup(“SampleLookup”,”Amount", fieldValue, function(results) {
		formAPI.suggest("Amount", results);

Example: Definition of allowed values in a list

formAPI.registerForFieldChange(Amount", function(fieldName, fieldValue) {			
	JSAPI.get().getLookupAPI().lookup(“SampleLookup”,”Amount", fieldValue, function(results) {
		var restrictedAllowedValues = new Array();
		for ( var i in results) {
			result = results[i];
			var allowedValue = buildAllowedValue(result.getName(), result.getValue());
			restrictedAllowedValues[i] = allowedValue;
		formAPI.setAllowedValues("EDS", restrictedAllowedValues);

function buildAllowedValue(symbolicName, label) {
	var language = new Language("EN");

	var allowedValue = new AllowedValueDefinition();

	var displayNames = new I18NLabel()
	displayNames.setLabel(language, label);
	return allowedValue;

This JS API also provides the ability to automatically link a tag from the return of a LookupPlugin. This can be done using the function bindFieldOnLookup(String tagName, String lookupId) where :

  • tagName is the identifier of the tag concerned
  • lookupId is the identifier of the LookupPlugin to be used.

Example : Binding a tag on the lookup userLookup

formAPI.bindFieldOnLookup("DestinatairePourInfo", "userLookup");