
An indexing form lets you view and modify a component’s tags. In order to interact with this type of form, it is necessary to subscribe to its opening:

JSAPI.get().registerForComponentChange(function(componentFormAPI, component, phase) {
	// Use the componentFormAPI object to interact with the form

Note: When displaying several component forms, it may be necessary to access a specific form: JSAPI.get().getComponentFormAPI(<identifiant du composant>).

Actions in a form

The object componentFormAPI.getActions() is used to interact with the actions of a form presenting a document, folder…

A number of functions are available for this purpose.

Function Description
getHeaderActions() Retrieves action container from header
getTaskActions() Retrieves task action container
getFooterActions() Retrieves action container from footer (validation, cancellation…)

Section Actions documents the functions available for interacting with the various actions’ containers and the actions retrieved from these 3 containers.

Adding cards

An indexing form is made up of a set of cards containing component information, tags, attachments and parent folders. You can also add cards via the JS API with the addCardContainer(cardContainer) function, which requires a container card as input.

The functions available on this object are available in the [Cards] section (/en/documentation/apis/jsapi/cards/).

Example: Adding a customised container card

var desc1 = buildDescription("Description 1");
var card1 = buildCard("Card", "Heading card", "card-style");

var div = document.createElement("div");
addChildren(div, [desc1,card1]);

var cardContainer = buildCardContainer("fa fa-clone","Title","Caption","card-box custom-card-container";

function buildCardContainer(icon,title,caption, style){
	var cardContainer = new CardContainer();
	return cardContainer;
function buildDescription(description){
	var desc = document.createElement("div");
	desc.innerHTML = description;
	return desc;
function buildCard(title, heading, style){
	var card = new Card();
	return card.asElement();
function addChildren(parent, children){
	for (i=0; i < children.length; ++i) {

Form status

The formAPI.isDirty() function on a form can be used to find out whether the form has been modified.