Java client

Consume web services using the Java client.

The Java client lets you interact with FlowerDocs Core through the web services on display.

This documentation is based on the use of Maven and Spring Boot 2.5.14.

Core Services

Services Javadoc



The libraries required for this Java client are published in the Artifactory Arondor. If you are extern to Arondor, please ask the FlowerDocs support to get the mentioned librairies.

To use the Java client in a Maven project, start by adding the following dependency :


This dependency draws the necessary dependencies to start a FlowerDocs client project.

Spring Boot application

To define your Spring Boot application as a FlowerDocs client, add the @FlowerDocsClient annotation to the main class as :

public class SampleClient
    public static void main(String[] args)
    {, args);

This annotation is used to initialize the configuration required to initialize a FlowerDocs client. For the client to start up, the ws.url property must be defined in the file with the URL for access to the web services displayed by FlowerDocs.


Calls to FlowerDocs Core require requests to be authenticated. A request can be authenticated by providing a FlowerDocs-specific user token.

Service account

The development of an application that interacts with FlowerDocs generally requires the use of a service account used to perform operations with FlowerDocs Core.

To this end, the Java client provides a utility class to simplify authentication management.

private Authenticator authenticator;

The configuration of the account used is done through the properties :

flower.user=<identifiant de l'utilisateur>
flower.password=<mot de passe>

These properties can either be passed in the Spring configuration file or as JVM properties.

Token generation

A user token can also be dynamically generated using the AuthenticationService service, which exposes the login method#login) :

AuthenticationService service;
ContextHelper.setScope(new Id("GEC"));
Token token = service.login("user","password");


Access to services

Access to FlowerDocs services is based on the Spring context. To retrieve a service instance, simply use the [@Autowired] annotation (

For example, to access the document management service :

private DocumentService documentService;

Log management

FlowerDocs APIs are based on the log framework abstraction layer SLF4J. This framework abstracts from the logging framework used. The default implementation is Logback.

To instantiate a logger, simply :

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SampleClient.class);
..."Found {} documents", response.getFound());

The configuration of log levels is identical to that of FlowerDocs: Logs