User management

Create, modify, search for users

The UserService service exposes the following operations:

  • create: to create a user
  • get: to retrieve a user
  • update: to modify a user
  • password: to change a user’s password
  • search: to search for users
  • delete: to delete a user

Creation et modification d’un user


The model used by create and update calls looks like this:

  "id": "string",
  "firstname": "string",
  "lastname": "string",
  "displayName": "string",
  "mail": "string",
  "password": "string",
  "credentialsExpired": true,
  "attributes": [
      "name": "string",
      "values": [
  "groups": [
  "profiles": [

Here is the description associated with the call data set:

  • id: unique user identifier
  • firstname, lastname, displayName and mail: user information
  • password: password
  • profiles and groups: respective lists of user profiles and groups to which this user belongs
  • attributes: list of additional attributes
  • credentialsExpired: if the user’s credentials have expired.


The examples below show how to create and modify a user.

POST {{core}}/rest/users/ HTTP/1.1

-- Paramètres d'URL --
core: host of FlowerDocs core

-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json

-- Body (json) -- 
  "id": "exemple",
  "firstname": "Prénom",
  "lastname": "Nom",
  "displayName": "Utilisateur exemple",
  "mail": "",
  "password": "mdp",
  "credentialsExpired": false,
  "attributes": [
  "groups": [
  "profiles": [
    "AllUsers", "eEnvelope"

    private UserService userService;

    public void create() throws TechnicalException, FunctionalException
        User user = new User(new Id("example"), "example user", "", new ArrayList<Id>(),
                new ArrayList<Id>(), new ArrayList<IdentityAttribute>(), "firstname", "lastname", "mdp", false);

POST {{core}}/rest/users/{id} HTTP/1.1

-- Paramètres d'URL --
core: host of FlowerDocs core
id: user identifier

-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "exemple",
  "firstname": "New first name",
  "lastname": "New name",
  "mail": "",
  "password": "mdp"

    private UserService userService;
    public void update() throws TechnicalException, FunctionalException
        Id id = new Id(example");
        User user = new User();
        user.setFirstname("New first name");
        user.setLastname("New name");

Recovery of one or more users


The parameters to be entered are :

Name Description
ids Unique identifiers of users to be tracked (separated by commas)
resolveAuthorities Determines whether profiles and groups are to be remounted


The example below shows how to retrieve users.

GET {{core}}/rest/users/{ids}?resolveAuthorities={resolveAuthorities} HTTP/1.1

-- Paramètres d'URL -- 
core: host of FlowerDocs core
ids: user IDs to be retrieved
resolveAuthorities : false

-- Headers --
token: {{token}}

    private UserService userService;

    public List<User> get() throws TechnicalException, FunctionalException
        List<String> ids = Lists.newArrayList("exemple");
        return userService.get(ids, true);

Search for one or more user(s)


The parameter to be entered is search, and corresponds to the searched value. The search can be based on the user’s surname, first name, the name to be displayed (displayName) or the user’s ID, either fully or partially filled in.


The examples below show how to create and modify a user.

Changing a user’s password


The parameters to be entered are :

Name Description
id The user’s unique identifier
newPassword The user’s new password


The example below shows how to change a user’s password.

PUT {{core}}/rest/users/{id}/password HTTP/1.1

-- Paramètres d'URL --
core: host of FlowerDocs core

-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
id: user identifier

-- Body --
    "password": newpassword

    private UserService userService;

    public void changePassword() throws TechnicalException, FunctionalException
        String id = "example";
        String newPassword = "NewPass";
        userService.changePassword(id, newPassword);

Delete a user


The parameter to be entered is id, the unique identifier of the user to be deleted.


The example below shows how to delete a user.

DELETE {{core}}/rest/users/{id} HTTP/1.1

-- Paramètres d'URL --
core: host of FlowerDocs core
id: user identifier

-- Headers --
token: {{token}}

    private UserService userService;

    public void delete() throws FunctionalException, TechnicalException
        String id = "example";