Handling a temporary file

Create, modify, delete temporary files

The TempFileService service exposes the following operations:

  • create: to create a temporary file
  • getContent: to retrieve a temporary file
  • delete: to delete a temporary file

Creating a temporary file

The following examples show how to create a temporary file.


POST {{core}}/rest/files/tmp HTTP/1.1

-- Paramètres d'URL --
core: host de FlowerDocs core
file: temporary file to create 

-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json

private TempFileService tempFileService;

public DocumentFile create() throws TechnicalException, FunctionalException
    DocumentFile file = new DocumentFile();
    file.setId(new Id("MyFile"));
    file.setContent(new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(File.createTempFile("/tmp", ".txt"))));
    return tempFileService.create(file);

Recovering a temporary file

The following examples show how to recover a temporary file.


GET {{core}}/rest/files/tmp/{id} HTTP/1.1

-- Paramètres d'URL --
core: host de FlowerDocs core
id: id of the temporary file

-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json

private TempFileService tempFileService;

public DocumentFile get() throws TechnicalException, FunctionalException
    Id id = new Id("MyFile");
    return tempFileService.get(id);

Deleting a temporary file

The following examples show how to delete a temporary file.


DELETE {{core}}/rest/files/tmp/{id} HTTP/1.1

-- Paramètres d'URL --
core: host de FlowerDocs core
id: id of the temporary file

-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json

private TempFileService tempFileService;

public void delete() throws TechnicalException, FunctionalException
    Id id = new Id("MyFile");
    return tempFileService.delete(id);