The TaskClassService
service exposes all operations available around TaskClass
type components.
Retrieving task classes
Retrieve all task classes
The examples below show how to retrieve all task classes.
GET {{core}}/rest/taskclass HTTP/1.1
-- URL parameters --
core: FlowerDocs Core host
-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
private TaskClassService taskClassService;
public List<TaskClass> getAll() throws FunctionalException, TechnicalException
return taskClassService.getAll();
Retrieve a defined list of task classes
The examples below show how to retrieve a list of task classes from their identifiers.
GET {{core}}/rest/taskclass/{ids} HTTP/1.1
-- URL parameters --
core: FlowerDocs Core host
ids: list of task class identifiers
-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
private TaskClassService taskClassService;
public List<TaskClass> getTaskClasses() throws FunctionalException, TechnicalException
List<Id> taskClassesIds = Lists.newArrayList(new Id("taskClassId"));
taskClassesIds.add(new Id("taskClass2Id"));
return taskClassService.get(taskClassesIds);
Creating task classes
The examples below show how to create a task class.
POST {{core}}/rest/taskclass HTTP/1.1
-- URL parameters --
core: FlowerDocs Core host
-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
-- Body (json) --
"answers": [
"displayNames": [
"language": "FR",
"value": "Traiter"
"id": "Treat"
"autoAssign": true,
"category": "TASK",
"data": {
"ACL": "acl-treatment",
"creationDate": "2024-03-07 1354.854 +0100",
"lastUpdateDate": "2024-03-07 1354.854 +0100",
"owner": "fadmin"
"displayNames": [
"language": "FR",
"value": "Traitement du courrier"
"icon": "fa fa-clone",
"id": "GEC_traitement",
"tagReferences": [
"descriptions": [
"language": "FR",
"value": "Référence du client"
"mandatory": true,
"multivalued": false,
"order": 0,
"readonly": false,
"tagName": "NumReference",
"technical": false
"technical": true,
"workflow": "GEC"
private TaskClassService taskClassService;
public void createTaskClasses() throws FunctionalException, TechnicalException
List<I18NLabel> answerLabels = new ArrayList<>();
I18NLabel answerlabelFR = new I18NLabel("Traiter", "FR");
List<I18NLabel> classLabels = new ArrayList<>();
I18NLabel classlabelFR = new I18NLabel("Traitement du courrier", "FR");
Answer treatAnswer = new Answer();
treatAnswer.setId(new Id("Treat"));
List<Answer> answers = new ArrayList<>();
TagReference tag = new TagReference();
List<TagReference> tags = new ArrayList<>();
TaskClass taskClass = new TaskClass();
taskClass.setId(new Id("GEC_Traitement"));
taskClass.setData(new Data());
taskClass.getData().setACL(new Id("acl-treatment"));
taskClass.setIcon("fa fa-clone");
taskClass.setWorkflow(new Id("GEC"));
List<TaskClass> taskClasses = new ArrayList<>();
Modifying task classes
The examples below show how to modify a task class.
POST {{core}}/rest/taskclass/{ids} HTTP/1.1
-- URL Parameters --
core: FlowerDocs Core host
ids : comma-separated list of task class identifiers to be updated
-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json
-- Body (json) --
"answers": [
"displayNames": [
"language": "FR",
"value": "Traiter"
"id": "Treat"
"displayNames": [
"language": "FR",
"value": "Refuser"
"id": "Refuse"
"autoAssign": false,
"category": "TASK",
"data": {
"ACL": "acl-treatment",
"creationDate": "2024-03-07 1354.854 +0100",
"lastUpdateDate": "2024-03-07 1354.854 +0100",
"owner": "fadmin"
"displayNames": [
"language": "FR",
"value": "Traitement du courrier"
"icon": "fa fa-envelope",
"id": "GEC_traitement",
"tagReferences": [
"descriptions": [
"language": "FR",
"value": "Référence du client"
"mandatory": true,
"multivalued": false,
"order": 0,
"readonly": false,
"tagName": "NumReference",
"technical": false
"technical": true,
"workflow": "GEC"
private TaskClassService taskClassService;
public List<TaskClass> updatetaskClass(TaskClass taskClass) throws FunctionalException, TechnicalException
List<I18NLabel> answerLabels = new ArrayList<>();
I18NLabel answerlabelFR = new I18NLabel("Refuser", "FR");
Answer refuseAnswer = new Answer();
refuseAnswer.setId(new Id("Refuse"));
taskClass.setIcon("fa fa-envelope");
List<TaskClass> taskClasses = new ArrayList<>();
return taskClassService.update(taskClasses);
If you use the REST service, any information that has not been filled in will be emptied: you need to send the entire task class, not just the information to be modified.
Deleting task classes
The examples below show how to delete a list of task classes.
DELETE {{core}}/rest/taskclass/{ids} HTTP/1.1
-- URL Parameters --
core: FlowerDocs Core host
ids : comma-separated list of task class identifiers to be deleted
-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
private TaskClassService taskClassService;
public void deleteTaskClasses() throws FunctionalException, TechnicalException
List<Id> taskClassesIds = Lists.newArrayList(new Id("taskClassId"));
Before deleting a task class, it’s important to make sure you’ve deleted all instances of this class, as well as all references to it in workflow objects.