Handling a task

Create, retrieve, modify, delete, respond to and assign your tasks

The Task service exposes all the operations available around TASK type components.

Task recovery

The examples below show how to retrieve tasks from an ID list.

GET {{core}}/rest/tasks/{ids} HTTP/1.1

-- Paramètres d'URL --
core : host
ids: identifier of the documents to be retrieved

-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json

    private TaskService taskService;

    public List<Task> get() throws TechnicalException, FunctionalException
        List<Id> ids = Lists.newArrayList(new Id("taskId"));
        return taskService.get(ids);

Task creation

The examples below show how to create a to-do list using the following operation.

GET {{core}}/rest/tasks/ HTTP/1.1

-- Paramètres d'url --
core: host de FlowerDocs core

-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json

-- Body (json) --
    "workflow": "Inform",
    "assignee": "fadmin",
    "category": "TASK",
    "data": {
        "classId": "GEC_Step3_CourrierLu",
        "owner": "clm",
        "ACL": "ACL_TASK"
    "name": "3-Courrier lu",
    "tags": [
            "value": [
            "name": "PrenomClient",
            "readOnly": false
            "value": [
            "name": "RefClient",
            "readOnly": false
            "value": [
            "name": "NomClient",
            "readOnly": false
    "attachments": [
            "componentIds": [
            "id": "Courrier",
            "category": "DOCUMENT",
            "order": 0

    private TaskService taskService;

    public List<Task> create() throws FunctionalException, TechnicalException
        Task task = new Task();
        task.getData().setACL(new Id("acl-creation"));
        task.getData().setClassId(new Id(leaveRequest_creation"));
        task.setName("Leave request");
        task.setTags(new Tags());

        return taskService.create(Arrays.asList(task));

Task modification

This operation updates a task’s tags and data (class identifier, task name, ACL, etc.).

This service operates on a cancel and replace basis, so all tag values must be supplied by the service at the time of update. It is therefore advisable to recover the job, make the changes and call the update service.

GET {{core}}/rest/tasks/{ids} HTTP/1.1

-- Paramètres d'URL --
core: host de FlowerDocs core
ids: identifiers of tasks to be updated

-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json

-- Body (json) --
    "workflow": "Inform",
    "assignee": "fadmin",
    "category": "TASK",
    "data": {
        "classId": "GEC_Step3_CourrierLu",
        "owner": "clm",
        "ACL": "ACL_TASK"
    "name": "3-Courrier lu",
    "tags": [
            "value": [
            "name": "PrenomClient",
            "readOnly": false
            "value": [
            "name": "RefClient",
            "readOnly": false
            "value": [
            "name": "NomClient",
            "readOnly": false
    "attachments": [
            "componentIds": [
            "id": "Courrier",
            "category": "DOCUMENT",
            "order": 0

    private TaskService taskService;

    public List<Task> update(Task task) throws FunctionalException, TechnicalException
        task.getTags().getTags().add(new Tag(Arrays.asList("DUPONT"), NameClient", false));
        return taskService.update(Arrays.asList(task));

Job search

The search operations all work on the same model as described here.

Task deletion

The examples below show how to delete a to-do list from an ID list.

DELETE {{core}}/rest/tasks/{ids} HTTP/1.1

-- Paramètres d'URL --
core: host de FlowerDocs core

-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json

    private TaskService taskService;

    public void delete() throws FunctionalException, TechnicalException
        List<Id> ids = Lists.newArrayList(new Id("taskId"));

Application of an answer

Simple answer

The examples below show how to apply a simple answer to a list of tasks from a list of identifiers.

PUT {{core}}/rest/tasks/{ids}/answer HTTP/1.1

-- Paramètres d'URL --
core: host de FlowerDocs core
ids: task identifiers on which to apply the response

-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json

-- Body (json) --
  "id": "Decline"

    private TaskService taskService;

    public void answer() throws FunctionalException, TechnicalException
        Answer answer = new Answer();
        answer.setId(new Id("Decline"));
        taskService.answer(Lists.newArrayList(new Id("taskId")), answer);

Answer with reason

The examples below show how to retrieve tasks from an ID list.

PUT {{core}}/rest/tasks/{ids}/answer HTTP/1.1

-- Paramètres d'URL --
core: host de FlowerDocs core
ids: task identifiers on which to apply the response

-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json

-- Body (json) --

  "id": "Decline",
   "type": "com.flower.docs.domain.taskclass.ReasonedAnswer",
   "tags": [
        "name": "Remark"
        "value": [
          "The receipt is not up to date."

    private TaskService taskService;

    public void answer() throws FunctionalException, TechnicalException
        ReasonedAnswer answer = new ReasonedAnswer();
        answer.setId(new Id("Decline"));
        answer.setTags(new Tags());
        answer.getTags().getTags().add(TagBuilder.name("Remark").value("The justification is not up to date.").build());
        taskService.answer(Lists.newArrayList(new Id("taskId")), answer);

Task assignment

The examples below show how to assign a task list to a user from an ID list.

PUT {{core}}/rest/tasks/{ids}/assignee/{username} HTTP/1.1

-- Paramètres d'URL --
core: host de FlowerDocs core
ids: task identifiers on which to apply the response
username: assigned user identifier

-- Headers --
token: {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json

    private TaskService taskService;

    public void assign() throws FunctionalException, TechnicalException
        List<Id> ids = Lists.newArrayList(new Id("taskId"));
        taskService.assign(ids, "jna");